Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany
06 Jun 2020 - 30 Aug 2020
For the sixth exhibition in the series “HERE AND NOW at Museum Ludwig”, the museum is collaborating with the art magazine “Contemporary And” (C&).
Founded by Yvette Mutumba and Julia Grosse, C& sees itself as “a dynamic space for issues and information on contemporary art from Africa and its Global Diaspora.” The multilingual website is a hub for diverse activities, and a printed magazine is published twice a year. At the Museum Ludwig, the long-term project “C& Center of Unfinished Business” will be the focus of the exhibition. It is a participatory library that uses videos and publications to make the traces of colonial power relations and their effects up to the present day visible.
The Cologne version of the “C& Center of Unfinished Business” is based on its location. The library architecture developed for the museum space brings together C&’s own collection and publications from the Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek Köln selected by C&. The project thus creates dynamic connections to the museum, its location, and its visitors. The exhibition also includes video works by African artist collectives from the series “C& Commissions” as well as works by artists from the African Diaspora. These, too, open up dynamic spaces full of images that deal with current experiences of black identity, reveal exclusionary perspectives, and offer new designs against stereotypical ideas.
Artists: Contemporary And (C&), The Nest Collective, CUSS & Vukani Ndebele, Nkiruka Oparah, Frida Orupabo
Curator: Romina Dümler
#HIERUNDJETZT #dynamischeraeume