
The 1st Berlin Anticolonial Month

AfricAvenir, Berlin, Germany
05 Oct 2019 - 15 Nov 2019

The 1st Berlin Anticolonial Month

This year between October 12th, the starting point of the colonization of the American continents in 1492, and November 15th, the opening day of the Berlin Congo conference that decided over the colonial partition of Africa in 1884, among various migrant collectives AfricAvenir is organizing the first Anticolonial Month, a series of actions and events in Berlin.

Colonialism is far from over. The rapid destruction of nature, the genocides against Black and Indigenous people, assassinations and repression against social and political leaders, state repression against migrants and refugees, the fortification of borders and the escalation of racism and wars – they all are consequence of a system of destruction that was imposed on the Global South through violence. More than 500 years later, the same violence is still in place, well hidden from the life of the privileged in the metropolis, in Europe and Germany. Despite all that, the resistance of the colonized peoples has also been strong and persistent, from the first day of oppression, exploitation and domination. Today, from the uprisings in Haiti, Sudan and Algeria, to the indigenous defenders of the Amazonas, the peoples of the Middle East and the Philippines, as well as Migrants, Refugees, Roma, Jewish and other internally colonized peoples in Europe, in all corners of the world the resistance of our peoples, defending life itself, is alive and deserves our support.

Real solidarity is based on understanding and concrete action in our daily lives. That is why we want to open a space to get to know each other and learn from each other. The Anticolonial month 2019 will be a first step in our efforts to fortify internationalist solidarity among our anticolonial movements, to unite the diverse struggles and to show that we are here, that we are many and that we will never bow down.

The full Program of the Anticolonial Month will be uploaded soon.



This is an invitation primarily to Migrants, People of Color and members of colonized communities, individuals and collectives to join the decentral Anticolonial Month, the Anticolonial Forum (5th and 6th of October) at New Yorck/Bethanien and the Anticolonial March (12th of October at 3 PM) according to your own possibilities and demands. But everyone who wants to become part of the efforts to weave our histories, our struggles and imaginations, is more than welcome.

If you want more informations, please contact anticolonialmonthberlin(at) !