
Victorien Bazo: Fragments d’origines: Une odyssée ancestrale

Bwo Art Gallery, Douala, Cameroon
21 Sep 2024 - 26 Oct 2024

Victorien Bazo, Devant l'arbre sacré (2024). Courtesy of the artist and Bwo Gallery.

Victorien Bazo, Devant l'arbre sacré (2024). Courtesy of the artist and Bwo Gallery.

Bwo Gallery announces the opening of Fragments d’origines: Une odyssée ancestrale, an evocative solo exhibition of the Cameroonian painter Victorien Bazo at the gallery in Douala. Opening on 21 September, 2024, this exhibition marks a pivotal moment in Bazo’s career, showcasing his first solo presentation in a gallery and offering a profound exploration of cultural heritage through his distinctive narrative style.

In Fragments d’origines, Bazo embarks on a quest to reconcile his ancestral roots with the shifting landscapes of contemporary identity. His work invites viewers to navigate a visual dialogue that intertwines personal reflection with universal themes of cultural hybridity and dislocation. With a distinctive use of vignette-style compositions, Bazo constructs his canvases as intricate mosaics, where multiple perspectives converge to offer a deeper understanding of the human experience in a rapidly globalizing world.

Set amidst the rural Bamiléké region of Western Cameroon, Bazo’s paintings are both intimate and expansive. Each canvas is anchored by a corner detail — a negative imprint of traditional symbols or rituals from his ethnic heritage — that serves as a portal into the past. This subtle nod to tradition gives way to a more contemporary vision that occupies the rest of the canvas, depicting the evolving social and cultural practices of his community. This interplay creates a powerful dialogue between past and present, confronting the viewer with the ongoing negotiations between heritage and modernity.

Bazo’s practice, rooted in his background in comic art, captures the tension and beauty of cultural duality. Through his dynamic compositions and layered narratives, he challenges notions of authenticity and belonging, posing questions about what it means to be rooted yet unmoored in a constantly changing world. His paintings are a testament to the resilience of memory and tradition, reimagined for the 21st century.

The exhibition, on view through October 26, 2024, invites art lovers and cultural thinkers to experience Bazo’s fresh perspective on the complex legacies of identity and inheritance.

