
Arts Educators in Residence

CAMP notes on education, Kassel, Germany
Deadline: 18 April 2022

documenta fifteen, ruru Haus, Kassel, 2021. Photo Nicolas Wefers

documenta fifteen, ruru Haus, Kassel, 2021. Photo Nicolas Wefers

CAMP notes on education is a network of learners and teachers in the fields of arts, arts history, aesthetics, cultural policy and cultural education that emerged from documenta fifteen’s Education and Art Mediation department. One of the manifestations of CAMP notes on education will unfold through the Arts Educators in Residence program, inviting practitioners form the fields of Arts Education to Kassel for one of three residency periods of 4 weeks each taking place during the 100 days of documenta fifteen.

Fellows are invited to share their approaches, develop pedagogical frameworks and realize their own educational projects during their stay. Arts Educators in Residence maintains the goal to provide a liminal space for a multiplicity of perspectives, autonomous, non-institutional, embodied and intergenerational forms of collective learning and re-imagine educational futures.

Arts Educators in Residence is a tuition-free experimental fellowship program inviting practitioners, teachers, cultural mediators, art educators, cultural workers, community builders and facilitators, artists, and students with practical experience in the field of Arts Education and Mediation who are engaged in creating learning sites, both outside and inside the conventional Institutional settings. We invite educators from all over the globe to apply that work in civic, neighborhood or youth learning spaces, self-organized initiatives, environmental, social, community-based and/or multidimensional projects employing artistic techniques, communal or convivial forms of production as well as transdisciplinary approaches.


Residency Periods:
June / July 2022 : 21.06. – 18.07.
July / August 2022 : 25.07. – 21.08.
August / September 2022: 29.08. – 25.09.


The application deadline is Monday, April 18th, 2022, at 11:59pm CET. Applications should be submitted in English, using the application form provided.

For any further questions regarding your application procedure or inquiries directly related to the program Arts Educators in Residence please contact camp@documenta.de.


