Appel d'offres

Les Rencontres Internationales

Gaîté Lyrique, Paris, France
Deadline: 26 October 2015

Les Rencontres Internationales

The call for entries for the next Rencontres Internationales in Paris is extended until October 26, 2015.

Les Rencontres Internationales will take place in Paris at Gaîté Lyrique and other venues on January 12-17, 2016.

Any individual or organization can submit one or several proposals. The call for entries is open to film, video and multimedia submission, without any restriction for length or genre. Submission is free, regardless of geographical origin. Works proposed to Les Rencontres Internationales must not have been previously publicly shown in Paris.

Please take a few minutes in order to read the FAQ page, it contains important information regarding the call for entries, click here.

Extended deadline: October 26, 2015

To enter a work, you may choose between two types of registration. Please choose either one OR the other:

Option 1: 100% online entry form WITHOUT postal sending.

Option 2: Classic entry form to use WITH postal sending.

Sending of the answers

The reception confirmation of postal sending will be sent by email in November. Answers to the programme will be sent in December. Answers concerning works submitted after the deadline will be sent at the end of 2016.
The call for entries is open to film, video and multimedia submission

Film and video – any film and video format
Video / Experimental video
Fiction, exp. fiction / Short, middle and full length
Documentary, exp. documentary
Experimental film

Multimedia installation
Net art
Multimedia concert


Les Rencontres Internationales offers a forum for reflection and discovery dedicated to pratices of contemporary moving image. It introduces guests from all over the world : artists, filmmakers, institutions and emerging organizations, giving us a picture of an on-going creation, of new issues raised by the evolution of the production methods and ways to present new works, and of the different emerging artistic and cultural contexts.

The Rencontres Internationales reflects specificities and convergences of artistic practices between new cinema and contemporary art, explores emerging media art practices and their critical purposes, and create a necessary time during which points of view meet and are exchanged.

The event aims at presenting works to a broad audience, at creating circulations between different art practices and between different audiences, as well as creating new exchanges between artists, filmmakers and professionals.

It seeks to contribute to a reflection on our contemporary culture of image via a compelling program opened to everyone.

Les Rencontres Internationales is supported by the City of Paris, the Regional Council of Île-de-France, the DRAC Île-de-France – Ministry for Culture and Communication.