Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
09 Jul 2015 - 30 Aug 2015
The Weltkulturen Museum and the foundation KFW Stiftung present gloves in action an exhibition curated by Syafiatudina (ID), fellow of the programme « Curators in Residence – Curating Collections » of the foundation KfW Stiftung.
Guest curator Syafiatudina presents her findings on the significance of the amateur researchers’ pursuit of knowledge for museums and their educational mandate. This exhibition was created in the Weltkulturen Labor in cooperation with Frankfurt’s private collectors and participants with an interest in culture and the arts.
Including an interactive lab room, films as well as ethnographic objects from Indonesia, Mexico, the Trobriand Islands and Tanzania.
Syafiatudina (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) is a member of KUNCI Cultural Studies Center in Yogyakarta. In Indonesia, KUNCI is regarded as a cultural studies pioneer and regularly organises artistic research and exhibitions. Founded in Yogyakarta in 1999, KUNCI has primarily focused on critical knowledge production and sharing via media publications, cross-disciplinary encounters, research actions and artistic interventions.
KfW Stiftung’s programme “Curators in Residence” offers outstanding young curators from Latin America, Africa and Asia a chance to spend several months in Germany with the objective of promoting intercultural exchange in exhibition practice.
Dr. Nicola Müllerschön (Programme Manager Arts & Culture, KfW Stiftung), Dr. Ch. Eva Raabe (Acting Director, Weltkulturen Museum) and Syafiatudina (Curator and fellow of the programme « Curators in Residence – Curating Collections » of the foundation KfW Stiftung).
Opening: Wednesday, 8th July, 7pm
Weltkulturen Labor
Schaumainkai 37
Frankfurt a.M.