
Undisciplinary Learning : Remapping the aesthetics of resistance

at DISTRICT and at other locations , Berlin, Germany
08 Sep 2016 - 19 Nov 2016

Undisciplinary Learning : Remapping the aesthetics of resistance

Undisciplinary Learning takes the novel The Aesthetics of Resistance by Peter Weiss (1916-1982) as an impetus to question current knowledge politics at the intersection of artistic, political, and pedagogical practices.

An art project manifesting in Space, CityKnowledges and Documents.

Curated by Janine Halka, Suza Husse, Julia Lazarus.

In the book, the political interpretation of art and the collective appropriation of knowledge form the foundation for the development of resistant subjectivities, collectivization, and the mobilization against oppression and exploitation. Self-education as a form of emancipation comprises not only the crux of Weiss’ trilogy, its densely woven textual surface seems to anticipate other, collective forms of reading and therein acts of listening to and dis-/agreening with one another.

Adopting an intersectional perspective on its historical expansion, on its urban resonances in Berlin and current fields of insurgency,Undisciplinary Learning suggests expanded readings and critical relocations of The Aesthetics of Resistance. In the exhibition, urban interventions, encounters and conversations, education is probed as a mode of political imagination that recognizes heterogeneous forms of knowledge and integrates the body, the city, relationships, and the environment as places of learning. Undisciplinary Learning thereby maps artistic approaches focusing on self-empowering pedagogies – especially from feminist, queer, and decolonial contexts –that radically question hegemonic cultures of knowledge.




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