
The 2nd International Conference of African Cultures (ICAC) – Mapping the Future

National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe
11 Sep 2017 - 13 Sep 2017

The 2nd International Conference of African Cultures (ICAC) – Mapping the Future

The National Gallery of Zimbabwe (NGZ) presents the second International Conference on African Cultures (ICAC) which will be held from the 11-13 of September 2017 at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe in Harare.

The theme for this year’s ICAC is “Mapping the Future.” It will captivate many international and local delegates in order to map out the future of art, culture and heritage from Africa. It will also provide various players with an opportunity to interrogate the future of art institutions in the face of the current socio-economic challenges. To-date, the situation has changed and the challenges that were there in the sixties, seventies and eighties are not the same today. ICAC therefore comes at a time when art institutions around the world need urgent attention.  The conference comes at a time where the NGZ year celebrates its 60th Anniversary and ICAC will one of our highlights for the year.

The Exhibition Program will show case renowned artists, both living and the late from over the continent. It will highlight pivotal African narratives while exploring African and western meeting points against a background of contemporary concerns.

The third element is the staging of an inaugural art week designed to offer the mushrooming art spaces of Harare an opportunity to celebrate with us and showcase their work. This will promote Zimbabwe’s most contemporary and cutting edge, collectives, crafts centers and art related organizations all around Harare.

Lastly an optional tour to Great Zimbabwe Monuments (one of the greatest symbols of African Civilization), the tour will stimulate interesting discussions. The whole aim of the tour will be to reinforce Africa’s own narrative, and the historical contributions African societies have given to the world

The confernece is aimed at bringing together over 200 local and international delegates involed in the art, culture and heritage industries to deliberate important issues surrounding the future and history of art and culture from Africa.

Like the first ICAC, which was held in 1962, this event will be important not only for the region, but for the whole continent as it will hopefully map out some ways in which institutions, governments, academics and practitioners are involved within art and culture in Africa.

The National Gallery of Zimbabwe is the brains behind and the proud sponsors of the ICAC.

For more information about this year’s ICAC contact :

Tel.: +263 – 4 – 704 666 / 7

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