Siexpo – National Museum of Natural History , Luanda, Angola
05 Dec 2019 - 16 Jan 2020
Grada Kilomba, Illusions Vol II. Courtesy the artist.
FOR ARTS SAKE presents TAXIDERMY OF THE FUTURE, a group show which brings together works by 8 Angolan artists and its diaspora, featuring Grada Kilomba, Kiluanji Kia Henda, Mónica de Miranda, Januário Jano, Alida Rodrigues, Keyezua, Teresa Firmino and Helena Uambembe.
Curated by Paula Nascimento and Bruno Leitão, the exhibition resumes the concept explored in the 6th edition of the Lubumbashi Biennial, bringing together works by Angolan artists and its diaspora whose practices investigate the Past and its different temporalities, to reflect on the Future. The works presented have in common dissection of ghosts present both in European and African societies from Greco-Latin myths to the colonial period.
The project aims to bring together some of the active artists in Luanda, as well as those who maintain a close relationship with the city.The exhibition is based on the exchange of influences between the two curators and the artists who guide them in an important part of their curatorial research, becoming a celebration from and with the artistic environment of Luanda.
TAXIDERMY OF THE FUTURE gathers works from the private collection FOR ARTS SAKE, whose primarily objective is to support and develop the career of African artists and its diaspora, rooted in a dialogue open to new perspectives and experienced artists from various countries of the continent.
FOR ARTS SAKE is a collection whose mission is to support and foster the knowledge on African and African Diaspora artists.