
Simulizi Mijini / Urban Narratives

Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik (ZK/U), Berlin, Germany
16 Mar 2017 - 26 Mar 2017

Simulizi Mijini / Urban Narratives

Simulizi Mijini / Urban Narratives is an open invitation to explore the topic of urban heritage from below, at the intersection of the arts, activism and academia.

The project started in September 2015 and has worked towards creating new bridges between Berlin, Germany and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, around the question of shared histories between the two cities. Two summer schools, 10 artist residencies and a symposium in Dar es Salaam have already taken place.

From the 16th to the 26th of March 2017, Simulizi Mijini is organising different events in Berlin to make room for new voices in the heritage debate: a conference on urban heritage activism, an exhibition presenting the work of 10 artists between Germany and Tanzania, and the launch of a collaborative publication exploring the link between immaterial culture and built environment.


International conference: Urban Heritage Activism
Thursday 16 March – Friday 17 March, 09:00-18:00

TU Berlin, Hardenbergstr. 16-18, 10623 Berlin

RSVP: contact@urbannarratives.org

The two-day Urban Heritage Activism conference will focus on heritage ‘from below’–urban history as it is lived, represented and transformed by local communities in diverse geographies and cultures. Speakers from grassroots movements, academic and cultural institutions will address political ramifications and power struggles related to heritage and introduce the failures and solutions of various activism projects, especially in postcolonial contexts. Contributors will debate contemporary tensions and future strategies for interventions through a roundtable discussion at the end of each day.

The detailed program with the speakers and roundtables will be released soon here: www.urbannarratives.org/conferences


Magazine launch: ANZA Magazine in collaboration with Baunetz Woche
Thursday 16 March, 19:00-22:00

Location TBC

This evening will launch two different publications curated through Simulizi Mijini / Urban Narratives, which deal with urban planning histories, perceptions and memories in Berlin and Dar es Salaam. The 8th issue of ANZA magazine, the first East-African magazine for architecture and urban design, explores ‘Unintended Consequences’ in Dar es Salaam and includes a special collaboration with Baunetz Woche.

The editorial team of ANZA will give a talk at 19:30.


Exhibition: Juxtaposing Narratives
Friday 17 March – Sunday 26 March, 15:00-20:00 (closed Monday-Wednesday)

Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik (ZK/U), Siemensstr. 27, 10551 Berlin

Opening Friday 17 March, 20:00 – late

Cooking performance by Umesh Madanahalli
Concert by Paul Ndunguru, from the Tanzanian band Wahapahapa (LIVE)
DJ Set in the basement by Santuri Safari

Curatorial tour Saturday 18 March, 15:00-20:00

The exhibition ‘Juxtaposing Narratives’ presents 10 international artists who took part in the Simulizi Mijini / Urban Narratives residency program between 2015 and 2016. Art installations, multi-media pieces and oral narratives inspired by urban heritage in Dar es Salaam and Berlin explore the complex links between cultural identity, international migration, and the built environment.

Artists: Cloud Chatanda, Rehema Chachage, Tellervo + Oliver Kalleinen, KUNSTrePUBLIK, Umesh Maddanahalli, Michelle Monareng, Patrick Mudekereza, Paul Ndunguru, Nadin Reschke, Alex Roemer

Curatorial tour with German and Tanzanian curators, Saturday 18 March, 15:00 – 18:00

Finissage, Sunday 26 March, 15:00 – 20:00

More information about the artists and events here: www.urbannarratives.org/art




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