Galerie Cécile Fakhoury, Dakar, Senegal
26 Sep 2020 - 20 Nov 2020
By Sadikou Oukpedjo.
Galerie Cécile Fakhoury is pleased to present Stasis, a solo exhibition by Sadikou Oukpedjo until 20 November 2020.
After Anima and Silentium, two major exhibitions in the career of Sadikou Oukpedjo, the artist pursues here with Stasis a cycle of reflections and plastic experiments on the place of man in the world. The artist’s view of our contemporary society is irrevocable: human beings have lost themselves in a senseless race for vanity and their scale of values is no longer as remarkable as the force of their violence.
For Sadikou Oukpedjo, this initial impulse, creator of collective senses, died out as man detached himself from his environment, keeping the imperatives of his soul and the needs of his body far from his reason. Rising by force and with force above nature, which he claims to submit to his good right, above the animals in the name of his progress and the supposed superiority of his spirit, man has become intoxicated with pride and excess.