

Ballhaus Naunynstraße, Berlin, Germany
12 Sep 2013 - 14 Sep 2013

BLACK LUX is featuring


REPITOLOGIA by Victor D’Olive 

What political area of tension does the body move in? Repitologia illustrates how the public sphere determines the creative process and obstructs it at the same time. Spectators get a first-hand experience of the (im)possibility of enclosure and resistance as the dance performance re-develops over and over while audience and performer engage in playful communication.

Produced in collaboration with coLABoratório, Artsadmin, alkantara, garajistanbul and the Centro Coreográfico do Rio de Janeiro, supported by the EU. Photo: Wagner Carvalho


SHOOT FIRST by Ricardo de Paula 

In February 2012, Trayvon Martin was shot dead in Sanford, Florida – by a man from the neighbourhood. To him the teenager’s colour of skin and clothing were already enough to make him suspicious. The body of the boy in the hoodie reflects life realities, stereotyping and fears. By means of the Get Physical Process in de Paula’s dance they connect with the signs of history.

Choreographer/Performer: Ricardo de Paula

Lighting: Irene Selka

Music: Al Green


12-14 September 2013, 8 pm 


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