
Radiophonic Spaces

Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany
01 Nov 2018 - 10 Dec 2018

Nástio Mosquito 
The Age I Do not Remember. Courtesy the artist and Haus der Kulturen der Welt

Nástio Mosquito The Age I Do not Remember. Courtesy the artist and Haus der Kulturen der Welt

Around 100 years ago the radio began to change listening habits. Sounds were increasingly mediated by technology before they met the ear. Radiophonic Spaces explores the history and aesthetics of radiophonics – the reciprocal interactions between technically mediated sound and acoustic perception.

The walk-in archive provides public access to parts of a comprehensive collection of radio art. The opening event Der Ohrenmensch addresses the issue of the ear’s knowledge in a visually shaped present in which possibilities for transmitting and receiving have multiplied. Lectures, Performances and concerts take place from November 1 – 3. See the full programm here.

The more than 200 works from the history of radio art which can be experienced at the HKW include pieces from Orson Welles, Bertolt Brecht, John Cage, and Friederike Mayröcker, through to Natascha Sadr Haghighian and Rimini Protokoll. An interactive headphone system will enable visitors to individually explore the archive in HKW’s foyer. The audio material is organized into a total of 13 thematic areas. Digital reference works offer the possibility to find out more about the works’ production and cultural-historical backgrounds and the interconnections of radio art. The three-day opening event Der Ohrenmensch addresses knowledge questions around the concept of radiophonics. There will be a special focus on the effects of digitalization on the relationship be- tween transmitter and receiver. In concerts, joint explorations of the walk-in radio archive and a Radiophonic Funkkolleg (Radio College), artists and researchers will look for aesthetic, technical, and political possibilities for action in radiophonic space. Thus, for example, the historian of science Lino Camprubí will explore radio technology as a means for positioning and measuring in the Mediterra- nean, the sound artist Marie Guérin will enter into dialog with historical sound recordings, and the artist Emeka Ogboh will bring together the sound landscapes of Lagos and Berlin in HKW’s auditori- um.

Throughout the entire course of Radiophonic Spaces, artists, researchers, musicians, radio producers, and students will be invited to the walk-in radio archive to present and discuss their perspective on radio, radiophonics, and the works gathered together in the archive in presentations, performances, talks, and workshops. Guests include the musicologist Camilla Bork, the artist and radio producer Anna Bromley, Walter Filz (SWR), Marcus Gammel (Deutschlandfunk Kultur), the artist Anton Kats, the radio activist Diana McCarty (reboot.fm), Nathalie Singer (Bauhaus-University Weimar), and many more.

Radiophonic Spaces with works from Ammer & Console, Alessandro Bosetti, Andrea Cohen & Diego Losa, John Cage, Ferdinand Kriwet, Christina Kubisch, Friederike Mayröcker, Michaela Melián, László Moholy-Nagy, Kaye Mortley, Olaf Nicolai, Georges Perec, Paul Plamper, Milo Rau, Carl Sagan, Natascha Sadr Haghighian, Eran Schaerf, Dziga Vertov, Ror Wolf, and others.

Der Ohrenmensch with contributions from ARK (Johannes Ismaiel-Wendt, Sebastian Kunas, Malte Pelleter), Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro and Gilles Aubry, Hermann Bohlen, Lino Camprubí, Cevdet Erek, Wolfgang Ernst, Beatriz Ferreyra, Marie Guérin, Wolfgang Hagen, Alexandra Hui, Hassan Khan, Sebastian Kunas, Verena Kuni, Aurélie Nyirabikali Lierman, Flora Lysen, Stefan Maier, Mara Mills, Nástio Mosquito, Marko Peljhan, Marina Rosenfeld, Viktoria Tkaczyk, Zoran Terzić, Sarah Washington, Anna Zett, Elisabeth Zimmermann, and others.

Radiophonic Spaces is a project by the chair of Experimental Radio at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar as part of Radiophonic Cultures (SNSF Sinergia Research Project) in cooperation with HKW and Museum Tinguely, Basel. The walk-in radio archive will be shown in the Museum Tinguely from Oct 23, 2018 – Jan 27, 2019 and in the University Library Weimar from July 26 – Sep 19, 20 19.

The walk-in radio archive Radiophonic Spaces was conceived by Nathalie Singer(Professor for Experi- mental Radio, Bauhaus-University Wemar) in collaboration with a team of radio experts.

Co-organizer: Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Südwestrundfunk (SWR), Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR). With the kind support of international broadcasters and radio archives.

Funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), State Chancellery of Thuringia, Hertie-Stiftung, Fonds Bauhaus100 of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, Goethe-Institut e.V., Hanna and Dieter Paulmann.

Der Ohrenmensch is a project by HKW in cooperation with the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and will open Radiophonic Spaces at HKW. Der Ohrenmensch was conceived by Katrin Klingan and Janek Mül- ler.

Radiophonic Spaces is taking place at HKW as part of 100 Years of Now, funded by the Federal Gov- ernment Commissioner for Culture and the Media based on a ruling by the German Bundestag. Haus der Kulturen der Welt is supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Me- dia as well as by the Federal Foreign Office.






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