Job offers

Professorship in Fine Art with a Focus on Moving Images

Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, Sweden
Deadline: 09 April 2023

Installation view, Carl Hugosson, Cloud-Based Default Network, Galleri Mejan, 2022. Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger

Installation view, Carl Hugosson, Cloud-Based Default Network, Galleri Mejan, 2022. Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger

The Royal Institute of Art seeks professor in Fine Art with a focus on moving images.The Royal Institute of Art has been educating artists and architects since 1735. It is Sweden’s largest institution of higher education in Fine Art and Architecture. The faculty of artists, theoreticians, and architects at the Royal Institute of Art is highly acclaimed, both at the national level and internationally. Students are trained to enter the field of artistic and architectural practice at the highest level.

The Royal Institute of Art offers a five-year program in Fine Art and a two-year master’s degree in Fine Art. The postgraduate program offers professional development in Fine Art and Architecture with a focus on research methodology and project-based artistic research. 230 students are currently enrolled, and the school is supported by 70 employees. As of 2021 the institute is organized into two departments, each with a board and a prefect. The Institute is located on Skeppsholmen in central Stockholm alongside other key arts and cultural institutions.

Job description
As a professor of fine art, you will guide a group of ca 20 students and plan the teaching of the tutoring group. The tutoring group consists of BA and MA-students who work in all forms of fine art, and you are expected to mentor and teach students regardless of their artistic medium of expression. The position’s focus is in moving image, film, and video, and their associated discourses and methodologies as they relate to contemporary art. As professor of fine art specializing in moving image you are expected to have and to share deep knowledge of relevant social, technical, and material development in the field.

The employment’s focus means that you are responsible for the development of this subject and practice at Royal Institute of Art. An important element of the position is the post-holder’s own research and pedagogical- and artistic development work. The position also includes participation in the Institute’s common work, such as contributing to the joint planning of the study program, participating on the Institute’s boards, committees and working parties and developing the Institute’s national and international network.

Eligible to be employed as a professor in fine art is the person who, in accordance with HF ch.4 section 3:

  • Demonstrated artistic skills
  • Demonstrated teaching skills

Eligible for the position as professor in fine art with a focus on moving images must also demonstrate:

  • Relevant and extensive experience and practice as an artist, particularly in the field of moving image, film, and video, in relation to the field of contemporary art.
  • Conceptual awareness and in-depth knowledge of the social, material, and technical processes relevant to the field of moving image.

Assessment criteria
The Royal Institute of Art places particularly strong emphasis on artistic expertise. The applicant’s artistic practice must be well-documented, independent, individual and of a high level.

Teaching expertise involves:

  • An excellent ability to develop, lead and implement teaching of a high quality at all education levels
  • An excellent ability to stimulate and develop student learning
  • An excellent ability to carry out educational development efforts
  • The concept of teaching expertise also includes a commitment to education and learning, a well- founded view of education as a concept and a vision for learning.

Additional assessment criteria:

  • An excellent ability to create, lead and develop artistic activities of a high quality
  • An excellent ability to cooperate with the world outside of the higher education institution
  • Administrative expertise and the capacity for overall management planning
  • Excellent cooperation skills, a strong sense of responsibility and leadership skills
  • International experience and relevant networks
  • An ability to develop partnerships and manage project.
  • Commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion work.

The position requires advanced knowledge of English, spoken and written. Knowledge of Swedish is not a requirement.

The Royal Institute of Art will value good cooperation -and communication skills, and that you are a relationship-building, considerate person with great commitment.

Personal qualities will be acknowledged.


The application must be completed in English, and can be accessed through the university’s recruitment tool, Varbi. The application must be done within the application period. It is your responsibility as an applicant to document your qualifications in a way that allows for a fully measurable and qualitative assessment.

The application must consist of:

  • Introductory cover letter, stating the applicant’s special knowledge in the subject area, as well as research interests (max. 3 pg. A4, 12pt. font)
  • A proven track record clearly displaying range of artistic skill and experience as educator.
  • Image-based portfolio in digital form, presenting 4-6 artistic works (max. 20 pg. A4)
  • Description of the applicant’s educational outlook and examples of a relevant course that the applicant would like to develop (max. 2 pg. A4, 12pt.)
  • Three references including contact information, at least one of which relates to the applicant’s pedagogical skill

The position

This is a full-time five-year contract, based on artistic merit. The Royal Institute of Art may renew the contract for another period of maximum five years without additional competition. The position includes participating in the Institute’s common work and some administrative work. At the Royal Institute of Art, we apply a working hours agreement which includes time for education, artistic research, institutional common work and artistic and pedagogical development.


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