SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
Deadline: 31 July 2023
Courtesy of SAVVY Contemporary
SAVVY Contemporary asks that contributors limit their submissions to 5.000 words and send them in docx format to You are invited to submit in whichever language or genre you consider yourself most fluent. Illustrations or comics are also welcome if they fit the thematic focus. Contributions which are approved for publishing will be renumerated.
Burning? is a publication borne of a series of research, exhibitions, performances, lectures, conversations and workshops within UNRAVELING THE (UNDER-) DEVELOPMENT COMPLEX OR TOWARDS A POST- (UNDER-) DEVELOPMENT INTERDEPENDENCE. This project was inspired by Walter Rodney’s seminal work How Europe Underdeveloped Africa and the questions he leaves us with today. Submissions to the first issue are now being accepted, which will focus on the development complex.
SAVVY is looking for honest and thoughtful perspectives on development – what it is, what it means, how it is done, whom it serves, the conditions it produces and the potentials it undermines. All kinds of written work are welcome and SAVVY is especially interested in original research, reporting, and investigative work into the global development complex. SAVVY wants to know about its agents and its effects; and as well as from its opponents.
A Note on Style and Content
Maybe you have noticed that academic, theoretical, and critical writing is often dull, repetitive, and needlessly complex. SAVVY’s view ist that certain stylistic conventions stifle a writer’s creative voice and undermine any chance that readers actually enjoy what’s been written. This style does damage to readers and writers alike. We don’t like that and see no good reason why it should be this way.
With that said, SAVVY Contemporary encourages all contributors to write as you speak, however that might sound. This is an invitation to prioritize clarity and novelty in your writing without compromising on personal style or creativity.
Please read here the full concept and style guide before submitting your text.