
On Archives LAGOS-BERLIN /Artist in Residence 2020

Goethe-Institut Nigeria , ZK/U , SAVVY Contemporary & Galerie Wedding, Berlin / Lagos, Germany
Deadline: 22 March 2020

Lagos_GUF footprint: from 2012-2014 by Global Urban Footprint

Lagos_GUF footprint: from 2012-2014 by Global Urban Footprint

The Goethe-Institut Nigeria, in cooperation with 16/16 residency in Lagos and the Berlin art institutions, ZK/U – Center for Art and Urbanistics, SAVVY Contemporary and Galerie Wedding, is offering residencies for artists / curators from Lagos and Berlin. The call is aimed at artists and curators living and working in Lagos or Berlin. Both selected residents will meet, exchange and present their findings to the Berlin audience together.

On Archives

This year´s applications are encouraged to be inspired by topics on and around archives , their limitations, power structures and contemporary manifestations. The focus lies on living archives through which practices, skills and knowledge can be shared for the common good. For further in-depth description, kindly see full concept below.

Residency for Lagosians in Berlin (01.09.-30.11.2020)

A residence program for an artist / curator from Lagos takes place in Berlin. Through the collaboration of ZK/U – Center for Art and Urbanistics, SAVVY Contemporary and Galerie Wedding this residence offers, above living and working in Berlin, insights into the work of three important Berliner cultural institutions. The resident has diverse opportunities for consultation and networking and can present their work to the public on various occasions.

Residency for Berliners in Lagos (16.09.-31.10.2020)

A residence program for an artist / curator from Berlin takes place in Lagos. Through the cooperation of Goethe-Institut Nigeria and 16/16, this residence offers not only the possibility of working in Lagos, but also insight into the work of two important cultural institutions in Lagos, a variety of consultation and contact opportunities as well as the possibility of a final presentation at 16/16 and a workshop in and around the Lagos Island community.

Further Informations about the Open Call and application procedure can be found here.

Application deadline: 22 March 2020

Online Application:


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