Job offers

New Director

SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
Deadline: 06 May 2022

New Director

Since its creation in 2009, SAVVY Contemporary | The laboratory of form-ideas has been striving to offer a platform for critical thinking and a space for conviviality that believes in forging relationships through care. As a community space and a (para)institution in perpetual becoming, SAVVY Contemporary situates itself at the threshold of notions and constructs of the West and non-West, primarily to understand and negotiate between them, and obviously to deconstruct the ideologies and connotations eminent to such constructs. We have been experimenting with manifold formats and have been radically engaging with perspectives of epistemological diversity, the colonial invention of sciences, decanonisation, unlearning, untraining the ear, participation, solidarity, ultrasanity, and radical love.

In the past 12 years, a kaleidoscope of art exhibitions, performances, film screenings, lectures, concerts, readings, talks, exercises, and publications have been realized in and through the space. SAVVY Contemporary has established a participatory archive on German colonial history (Colonial Neighbours), an archive of performative practices, a documentation centre of experimental and historical publishing practices, a residency program, a series of SAVVY publications, a record label (SAVVY records), the radio platform SAVVYZΛΛR and is in the process of exploring alternative understandings of “technologies” and “economies” as well as varying pedagogical praxes.

The space engages wide spectrums from its neighborhood’s history to planetary socio-political realities and urgencies. SAVVY Contemporary has worked nationally and internationally with its own projects and in collaborations, among others with: documenta 14, Dak’Art Biennale, Venice Biennial, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Picha Lubumbashi, Berlin International Filmfestival, MaerzMusik/Berliner Festspiele, Bamako Encounters International Biennale of Photography, ParaSite Hong Kong, Jameel Arts Center.

With the appointment of its founder Prof. Dr. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung as new director of the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) from 2023 on, SAVVY Contemporary is seeking a new director.

The director will work together with a team of circa 20 people and in close collaboration with the co-directors and with SAVVY Contemporary’s core team. We identify the strength of SAVVY Contemporary in both conceptual and corporeal axes of our practice. At a moment when the world is facing challenges that threaten the pluriversality of cultures, languages, cosmologies, ecologies, economies as well as life itself, we hold steadfast to the belief that “Another Knowledge and Way of Being is Possible” and strive to use art and culture as a tool and method to imagine, negotiate and persuade towards other imaginaries that actively resist imperialism, colonialism, racism, sexism, capitalism and othering in general.

We seek to invite the director to take upon the responsibility for the artistic vision, leadership, and co-management, as well as conceiving, developing, organising, realising and presenting long-term exhibitions and other programmes, as well as engaging with the communities around and within SAVVY Contemporary. An understanding of digital transformation would be an added asset. The director will work closely, horizontally and inspiringly with its team and communities in formulating a strategic and sustainable institution that is mindful of and grounded in the pluriversal societies within which SAVVY Contemporary is situated. At the crux of the director’s position is the acquisition of funds to ensure a financial stability and prospective future of SAVVY Contemporary.

This position requires deep knowledge and experience of the German socio-political and cultural contexts, as well as a comprehension of the German language, while having a profound and situated understanding of worlds beyond the West.

An international jury of artists, curators, and professionals will be responsible for the selection process and for the appointment of the new director.

SAVVY Contemporary will be able to offer a 2-years contract with the possibility of extension.

To apply, please send us a motivational letter (max. 2 DIN A4 pages) of why you fit the job description, and a proposal of your directorial vision for next two years and further (max. 2 DIN A4 pages). In addition, please include a CV and links to any relevant work (max. 2 DIN A4 pages). We accept applications written in English or German, but eventually also in other (preferably) non-colonial languages. Please send applications as one file (max. 2 MB) by May 6, 2022 to


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