Call for applications

Nano-Film Festival 2020

The Project Space, Johannesburg, South Africa
Deadline: 20 January 2020

Nano-Film Festival 2020

Project Space presents: NANO-FILM Festival – February 2020

Can you tell compelling stories in 29 seconds or less?

The fest is aimed at evoking conversations about the art of storytelling through video media in an increasingly technological, intersectional and fast-paced media-interaction age. It’s an exploration of conversations about compelling storytelling; how new technologies affect the stories we tell and the way in which we tell them; the increasing accessibility to filmmaking through mobile technology; and how this increases the diversity of narratives.

The project invites artists to submit original short films (29 seconds or less) for the festival happening in February 2020. The festival presents film screenings, workshops and critical discussions. These will be centred around the art of telling compelling stories through video media. The core of this project is to challenge artists to tell compelling stories within a micro time frame, 29 seconds!



Send your short-films (as many as you wish) to apply for the NANO-FILM FEST beginning in February 2020.

  • It must be no longer than 29 seconds!
  • Files must be in MP4 format.
  • Must have a compelling concept/story.
  • All genres and video-media acceptable, including- Narrative / Non-narrative, Experimental, Fashion, Documentary, Virtual Reality, Augmented reality, Mixed Reality, Mobile phone footage, Stop motion/animation, Video collage.
  • No advertising content will be accepted.

Send your short-films, along with your artist biography and a synopsis/concept for your submissions.

For further information please Email to




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