Call for papers

Museum Conversations 2019

University of Namibia and Goethe-Institut Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia
Deadline: 26 May 2019

Museum Conversations 2019

University of Namibia and Goethe-Institut Namibia are jointly organising Museum Conversations 2019 and are calling for researchers, practitioners and artists to hand in papers and project suggestions.

Museum Conversations were started in 2018 as a series of discussions about the post-colonial museum in Africa, raised conceptual questions about museum work in Africa and discussed future visions of museum work in Kigali, Windhoek, Kinshasa, Ouagadougo, Dar es Salaam, Lagos and Accra.

From September 18th to 20th 2019 these efforts will be continued in a regional meeting in Windhoek, Namibia.

We invite contributions relating to any of the following themes

  • Conception of postcolonial museum
  • New museum projects
  • The role of private museums
  • Art museums in Africa
  • Models of restitution
  • Community engagement
  • Museum networks on the African continent

Contributions should be submitted by email only. The abstracts should contain the following details: Full name and contact details, institutional affiliation, abstracts should be between 250 and 500 words.

With an interdisciplinary approach Museum Conversations will deal with the above mentioned topics in formats such as:

Lectures – Workshops – Discussions – Networking – Artistic interventions – Presentations of innovative museums on the African continent

Researchers, museum practitioners, trainers and artists are invited to submit their paper / project summary by email to until May 26th 2019. For speakers, trainers, artists and other involved partners travel costs and accommodation will be covered.


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