ifa gallery, Berlin, Germany
17 Jul 2014
Moshekwa Langa 'The Jealous Lover' installation view at ifa gallery Berlin
On the occasion of Moshekwa Langa Solo-Exhibition “The Jealous Lover” ifa gallery Berlin will host a lecture by Sinethemba Twalo, Artist, Author and DJ from Johannesburg who currently is a fellow at the Academy Schloss Solitude.
Into the Darkness – Black Subjectivities and Alternative Knowledge Production
Sinethemba Twalo will be giving the second lecture titled Encumbering corpora: Print cultures and the violent encounter.
„The lecture will reflect on encumbering corpora, in particular, the performativity of texts within the realm of the violent encounter. It will interrogate how alternative knowledge paradigms have responded to the ‘political fact’ after the ‘event’, the context of what Baraka terms a changing same.” (Sinethemba Twalo)
With an introduction by Elke aus dem Moore, Head of the Visual Arts Department, ifa.
The Future in the Contemporary – Potential and Challenges in International Art Exchange
Thursday , 17 July 2014, 7 pm
Lecture will be in English
ifa-Galerie Berlin
Linienstrasse 139/140
D-10115 Berlin