

Beyers Naudé Square, Johannesburg, South Africa
03 Sep 2016 - 31 Oct 2016


From beginning of September until the end of October, Kunsthalle3000 will continue its activities on Beyers Naudé Square just in front of the Public Library in downtown Johannesburg.

Here, a field of missing cobblestones will become the new Kunsthalle3000 – true to the situationist quote: “Under the pavement, the beach!”

For a period of almost 2 months 8, mainly female artists from Johannesburg, will react and interact at and with this very special location. With situations by Anthea Moys, David Brooks, Donna Kukama, Kira Kemper, Mikko Kuorinki, Tabita Rezaire, Victoria Wigzell, Zakara Raitt & Siya Ngcobo & Llewelleyn Mnguni and The Holes Workshop (with students from the Wits School of Arts).

Grand Opening: 3rd September 12 pm with a performance by Zakara Raitt, Siya Ngcobo & Llewelleyn Mnguni


Kunsthalle3000 was started beginning of the year in Vienna and is considered as an institution as intervention for and in public space. It follows the aim to transform the unused potentials of the public sphere into new situations. The first location of the Kunsthalle was be located in the bourgeois “Alois-Drasche-Park” in Vienna. There, an old blackboard and some wodden stools became the host for installations, performances, telling exhibitions, field trips, masked balls, screenings and even fights by 10 artists.

Kunsthalle3000 is a project by Thomas Geiger and is generously supported by I want to become a millionaire.


For details please visit:

Instagram: @kunsthalle3000


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