Call for papers

International Conference on African Cultures (ICAC): Mapping the Future

National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe
Deadline: 30 March 2017

International Conference on African Cultures (ICAC): Mapping the Future

The National Gallery of Zimbabwe is seeking new and in-progress research papers to be presented at the International Conference on African Cultures (ICAC).

Mapping the Future
11-13 September 2017
International Conference on African Cultures: Mapping the Future

Abstract Deadline: 30 March 2017

The overall theme of ICAC is Mapping the Future. The purpose of this 3 day conference is to bring together local and international delegates in the art, culture and heritage industries to deliberate important issues surrounding the future and history of art and culture from Africa. Like the  first ICAC in 1962 this event will be important not only for the region, but for the whole continent. Its impact will map out the ways in which institutions, governments, academics and practitioners engaging with the con nent will further art and culture. The central topics include:

1.The Historical Dimensions of Art in Africa

2.Development of Contemporary Art on the Continent.

3.Building from Scratch & Plugging the Holes: Spaces for Contemporary African Art

4.The Design Tradition in Africa and Its Impact on Arts and Culture

5.The Role of Heritage in formulating Identity

ICAC will be divided into substantive sessions and break away groups, providing participants opportunity to deliberate on specific areas from their own perspective and national experiences. The main conclusions of ICAC will be re ected and incorporated into a publication.

For the full open call with further details, download this PDF.

By March 30, interested parties should send a CV, an abstract of no more than 300 words, a letter of interest to Tandazani Dhlakama at Email: / /

All parties will be notified of the outcome by end of April 2017.



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