galerie burster, Berlin, Germany
09 Jun 2018 - 28 Jul 2018
Lerato Shadi, Tlhogo 2010/2018, performance still. Courtesy the artist.
The dance is colour blind,
We move, eyes closed.
The endless choreography of trial and error. The cacophonic music of the ‘I’
Reflecting harmony
In cracked inner mirror.
Perfect is the I.
Unfinished, incomplete, unlasting.
I am human, you are I.
We move, eyes open. Dancing.
My encounter with Mwangi Hutter’s work was a love at first sight story. It went straight through me like a lightening, a recognition, no introduction was required.
Their quest is profoundly and uniquely human. A constant duality and fluidity of life and death, male and female, black and white, movement and stillness, inside and outside, ying and yang. An existential dance in search of ultimate freedom, always beautifully choreographed.
It was from this perpetual movement of identities, this constant contamination and mutation, this ceaseless questioning of one’s self that permeates Mwangi Hutter’s body of work that the idea for this exhibition was born.
In the era where, especially in the West, the quest for perfection has become an obsession that blindly feeds our collective vanity fair and prevents us from seeing, this exhibition wants to shift the focus and celebrate the beauty of imperfection.
For what is perfection if not a limit, a stagnation, an end? A finished, complete circle that doesn’t allow any evolution, any growth, any expansion? Isn’t it only by accepting our imperfections and vulnerabilities that we can start evolving and thinking outside ourselves? Only by acknowledging the idea of incompleteness can we let ‘the otherness’ in and embrace diversity? Only by coming to terms with the idea of impermanence and finitude can we liberate ourselves from clinging to the safety of the status quo and try to be free?
The Wabi Sabi worldview, that traces its origin in the 14th century Japan, summarizes these thoughts in 3 simple realities:
Nothing is perfect
Nothing is complete
Nothing lasts
It is these three concepts that guide us through the works of the IM–PERFECTION exhibition.
Mwangi Hutter’s works are in dialogue with those of the other four invited artists MASBEDO, Amira Parree, Lerato Shadi and Vincent Witomski.
A special room is dedicated to the artists selection from the Moleskine Foundation Collection. The show is conceived as a dance, an exchange, a conversation between the pieces that discuss imperfection, incompleteness and impermanence – the conditions that ultimately make us perfectly human.
With Mwangi Hutter, MASBEDO, Amira Parree, Lerato Shadi, Vincent Witomski + Moleskine Foundation Collection, curated by Elena Korzhenevich (Co-Founder Moleskine Foundation, Paris)