
Igshaan Adams: Stukkinne Stories

blank projects, Cape Town, South Africa
23 Jan 2020 - 07 Mar 2020

Igshaan Adams |  stukkinne stories

Igshaan Adams | stukkinne stories

What Kalea of the Cape Left in This World (1848)

According to the inventory of the Orphan Chamber of The Cape of Good Hope*

One bed and accessories
One wardrobe
One ditto
One long and one short chest
Three paintings
A clock (defect)
Some kitchen tools
Three Tables
Seven assorted chairs

One bed and accessories
With the imprint of sound slumber
One wardrobe
Everything in its place
One ditto
Because sometimes you need more space
One long and one short chest
And the footsteps in-between
Three paintings
Glowing in the afternoon light
A clock (defect)
Op haar eie tyd
Some kitchen tools
To fill empty bellies
Three Tables
Plek vir almal by die tafel
Seven assorted chairs
For seven assorted friends
and their stukkende stories.

Yet all that remains is a piece of paper that records

One bed and accessories
One wardrobe
One ditto
One long and one short chest
Three paintings
A clock (defect)
Some kitchen tools
Three Tables
Seven assorted chairs

*With some corrections by a great-great-great granddaughter.


Text by Saarah Jappie.





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