Circle Art Agency, Nairobi, Kenya
13 Nov 2019 - 07 Dec 2019
I will see what I want to see, Anthony Muisyo, Kichwa Basi (Detail), 2019. Courtesy of the Artist.
Circle’s second guest-curated exhibition of 2019, looks at how sixteen artists use drawing to record the days of their lives, turning continuous observations of the world into meticulous renderings that exist between recollection and imagining. It also considers the ways in which artists reduce the world to their own image, inviting us to that interior space that evades direct description.
Featuring Jess Atieno, Jonathan Fraser, Peterson Kamwathi, Yaye Kassamali, Onyis Martin, Florin Iki Mmaka, Miska Mohmmed, Anthony Muisyo, Elias Mung’ora, Dennis Muraguri, Precious Narotso, Sujay Shah, Gor Soudan, Lemek Tompoika, Beatrice Wanjiku, Agnes Waruguru.
Curator: Jonathan Gathaara Sölanke Fraser