Call for applications

HISK seeking Curator for 2019–20

Higher Institute for Fine Arts (HISK) , Gent, Belgium
Deadline: 10 June 2018

Studio Joke Raes tijdens HISK Open Studios 2016. Foto: Diana Tamane

Studio Joke Raes tijdens HISK Open Studios 2016. Foto: Diana Tamane

HISK Higher Institute for Fine Arts is looking for a Curator for the academic year 2019 and 2020. Applications (CV and motivation letter) must be sent by 10 June 2018 to Willem Elias, chairman, Higher Institute for Fine Arts, Charles de Kerchovelaan 187A, 9000 Gent or mailed to

Diploma requirements
The curator has an academic degree (University or College) and at least 5 years of relevant experience in the world of art.

–Has in-depth knowledge of contemporary visual art and the art world and a practical international horizon
–Has a broad interest in the socio-cultural domain that can serve as a basis from which a program for the candidate-laureates can be developed
–The curator will be active in an international environment; good knowledge of English is therefore required. Understanding of other languages is also recommended
–Experience in the various aspects of exhibiting

Abilities and acquired skills
–Inspirational coaching of artistic development
–Concept development
–Working in team
–Project-oriented work, budget and appointment management
–Systematically structured network development for the positioning of the HISK within the international art world

Required services and results to be achieved
The curator offers his/her expertise to the HISK for:
–The artistic and professional advancement, positioning and development of the candidate-laureates
–The national and international reputation of the HISK
–The further development of the HISK as a center of expertise for higher artistic education at postgraduate level

The required services and results to be achieved include at least:
–Collaboration in the yearly set up and supervision of a jury for the selection of a new group of candidate-laureates
–The welcoming of, and providing information and guidance to new candidate-laureates
–The elaboration and implementation of a sound education and support program that enables the candidate-laureates to further develop and position themselves, both artistically and professionally, as artists
–To guide and support the candidate-laureates by: providing expert advice, making regular studio visits, providing the candidate-laureates with useful professional contacts, promoting and making possible the public presentation of the work of the candidate-laureates, promoting and facilitating discussions between the candidate-laureates and a variety of professional players within the artistic field on their progress and positioning as artists, and planning and organizing of field/study trips

With a view to the realization of the abovementioned goals:
–The curator is responsible for designing, formulating and executing (i.e. select, organize, invite, introduce, organize debates and final reporting) of a year-long program of guest lecturers (visual artists,curators, theorists, art critics …)
–The curator is responsible for the organization, promotion and artistic guidance of the annual Open Studios
–The curator acts as curator of the yearly Final Show of the graduating candidate-laureates

With a view to the further development of the HISK as a center of expertise and to promote its national and international reputation:
–The curator represents the HISK at public events
–The curator promotes the development and joining of national and international artistic or other networks that may be of use to the HISK in general and to the candidate-laureates in particular

In order to achieve the desired results, the curator will, for each of the targets stipulated in the previous points, set up:
–An annual plan that must be approved by the board of directors
–Concrete and budgeted action plans. The budgeting of each action plan in project budgets should be done in consultation with the business director. The curator reports on these budgeted action plans on a quarterly basis to the board of directors
–The implementation of the approved action plans and associated project budgets happens in accordance with the authorization procedures established by the board of directors of the HISK
–Every year the curator draws up an evaluation report on the actions undertaken and the results achieved and reports to the board of directors and the general assembly of the HISK
–To the extent that this is reasonably possible, the curator is approachable at all times for the candidate laureates, employees and directors of the HISK
–If necessary, the curator takes part in the team meetings of the HISK
–The curator undertakes the implementation of his/her assignments either at the premises of the registered office or other locations of the HISK, or at external locations when this is in line with the performance of the assignment

Time frame
The start of the assignment coincides with the start of the next academic year (January 2019). The position has a maximum of 800 annual hours on a freelance basis for a maximum duration of 2 years.

CV and cover letter sent by registered letter no later than June 15, 2018 to the attention of Willem Elias, Chairman, Hoger Instituut voor Schone Kunsten / Higher Institute of Fine Arts, Charles de Kerchovelaan 187A, 9000 Ghent.


A selection of maximum five good candidates will be offered the opportunity to write a concrete plan before 1 October 2018. This plan will form the basis for the final selection.



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