
HERE AND NOW at Mu­se­um Lud­wig: Dy­nam­ic Spaces

Mu­se­um Lud­wig, Cologne, Germany
06 Jun 2020 - 30 Aug 2020

HERE AND NOW at Mu­se­um Lud­wig: Dy­nam­ic Spaces

For the sixth ex­hi­bi­tion in the se­ries “HERE AND NOW at Mu­se­um Lud­wig”, the mu­se­um is col­lab­o­rat­ing with the art mag­azine “Con­tem­po­rary And” (C&).

Found­ed by Yvette Mu­tum­ba and Ju­lia Grosse, C& sees it­self as “a dy­nam­ic space for is­sues and in­for­ma­tion on con­tem­po­rary art from Afri­ca and its Glob­al Di­as­po­ra.” The mul­ti­lin­gual web­site is a hub for di­verse ac­tiv­i­ties, and a print­ed mag­azine is pub­lished twice a year. At the Mu­se­um Lud­wig, the long-term pro­ject “C& Cen­ter of Unfin­ished Busi­ness” will be the fo­cus of the ex­hi­bi­tion. It is a par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry li­brary that us­es videos and publi­ca­tions to make the traces of co­lo­nial pow­er re­la­tions and their ef­fects up to the pre­sent day vis­i­ble.

The Cologne ver­sion of the “C& Cen­ter of Unfin­ished Busi­ness” is based on its lo­ca­tion. The li­brary ar­chi­tec­ture de­vel­oped for the mu­se­um space brings to­gether C&’s own col­lec­tion and publi­ca­tions from the Kunst- und Mu­se­ums­bi­blio­thek Köln se­lect­ed by C&. The pro­ject thus cre­ates dy­nam­ic con­nec­tions to the mu­se­um, its lo­ca­tion, and its vis­i­tors. The ex­hi­bi­tion al­so in­cludes video works by Afri­can artist col­lec­tives from the se­ries “C& Com­mis­sions” as well as works by artists from the Afri­can Di­as­po­ra. Th­ese, too, open up dy­nam­ic spaces full of im­ages that deal with cur­rent ex­pe­ri­ences of black iden­ti­ty, re­veal ex­clu­sio­nary per­spec­tives, and of­fer new de­signs against stereo­typ­i­cal ideas.

Artists: Con­tem­po­rary And (C&), The Nest Col­lec­tive, CUSS & Vukani Nde­bele, Nkiru­ka Oparah, Fri­da Oru­pabo

Cu­ra­tor: Rom­i­na Düm­ler



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