Call for proposals

Goethe-Institut Project Space

Goethe-Institut South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa
Deadline: 15 October 2016

Goethe-Institut Project Space

Goethe-Institut Project Space (GPS) is a multi-disciplinary roving project space that follows on GoetheOnMain, which was based at Arts On Main in Johannesburg from May 2009 to November 2016. The new programme will support work realized all over South Africa ranging from workshops to exhibitions, events and performances; including visual art, literature, film, music, dance and theatre projects.

GPS is envisioned as a non-commercial, artist-centered free platform, designed to support not only the artists and their projects, but also the many structures, platforms and festivals that currently exist and need partnerships of this nature in order to continue their work. GPS enables actors, artists, performers, curators, choreographers, writers, dancers, composers, directors, and musicians to select the space and infrastructure they wish to work with. If awarded, a GPS grant would support both the hosting space and the project itself.

The new project signals a move to decentralize, supporting smaller spaces and also ones situated outside of the large metropoles. Practitioners will be able to produce their work locally with a partner of their choice and a GPS grant. Similarly to the GoetheOnMain project that preceded it, a public call for proposals is presided over by an independent jury of arts professionals, who make the selection.

GPS aims to support non-commercial work and will privilege experimental content, with the focus above all else falling on artistic quality. This, whilst maintaining a sensitivity for the chosen context and local relevance of the themes and conversations that the work engages in. Partnership is at the core of the GPS project. Proposals will be looked at not only in terms of the work itself, but also the space for which it is intended: considering the appropriateness and track record of the proposed partner.

GPS forms part of the Goethe-Institut’s programme that promotes intercultural engagement through fostering dialogue and exchange in the arts. The Goethe-Institut looks forward to seeing installations, workshops, events and performances; including visual art, literature, film, music, public art, dance and theatre work; realised throughout South Africa through GPS grants.

Application Deadline: 15 October 2016

Realisation Period: April 2017 to December 2017

The application form is available here.


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