Online, ., India
03 Nov 2016 - 06 Nov 2016
Crazy World, Crazy Faith - Andrew Esiebo (Nigeria)
Clark House Initiative is co-hosting Embedded Souths , an online moving image exhibition examining particular cultural phenomena, within the complex social geographies of those who identify with a ‘south’.
‘Embedded South(s) is screened across three continents, from 3-6 November 2016, showcasing the work of 29 artists from South Asia, South East Asia, Latin America, and Africa.
The curators determine ‘south’ as a geo-political terminology that labels a particular ‘tropic’, often economically considered ‘developing’ and culturally suffering the trauma of coloniality. However, they also understand this ‘south’ to be a mobile entity in its diaspora, with many ‘souths’ now in transference within the global flows of migration (forced, voluntary, political, or economic). ‘Embedded South(s)’ seeks to share a window, through film, via four differing themes, over four separate evenings:
This online exhibition is screening four sessions titled ‘MYTHOLOGY’, ‘SOCIOLOGY SCIENCE AND COLlECTIVE MEMORY’, ‘MATERIALITY’ and ‘SPECIAL FEATURE: VIETNAM’
Featuring artists: Bani Abidi (Germany/Pakistan); Fernando Arias (Colombia); Kannan Arunasalam (Sri Lanka); Sammy Baloji/ Lázara Rosell Albear (DR Congo/Cuba); Tiffany Chung (Vietnam/USA); Bakary Diallo (Mali); Andrew Esiebo/Annalisa Butticci (Nigeria/The Netherlands); Shanaka Galagoda (Sri Lanka); Ayrson Heráclito (Brazil); Sasha Huber (Switzerland/Haiti); Claudia Joskowicz (Bolivia/USA); Amar Kanwar (India); Mikhail Karikis (Greece/UK); Jompet Kuswidananto (Indonesia); Dinh Q Lê (Vietnam); Giovanna Miralles (Bolivia); Nguyễn Hương Trà (Vietnam); Nguyễn Thị Thanh Mai (Vietnam); Nguyễn Trinh Thi (Vietnam); David-Douglas Masamuna Ntimasiemi (DR Congo); Phan Thảo Nguyên (Vietnam); Renata Padovan (Brazil); Chulayarnnon Siriphol (Thailand); Sutthirat Supaparinya (Thailand); Kidlat Tahimik (The Philippines); Trần Lương (Vietnam); Trương Công Tùng (Vietnam); Vandy Rattana (Cambodia/Japan)
Co-curated by Zoe Butt (Executive Director and Curator, San Art, Ho Chi Minh City), Gabriela Salgado (Independent curator, London), and Lê Thuận Uyên (Independent researcher, Hanoi)
Date: 3rd Nov 2016 to 6th Nov 2016
If you wish to watch the full 4-day program privately, please register for free by visiting: