ellipse art projects, Benin
Deadline: 10 May 2024
2023 Winner of ellipse Prize: Ras Sankara, Agbante, 2021, performance, 60 x 50 cm, photographie
The endowment fund lauches the new edition of the ellipse Prize dedicated to African artists living in Benin and to Beninese artists living in the African continent. Call for applications From march 18 to may 10 2024. Initiated in 2021, the ellipse Prize is an itinerant visual art competition highlighting emerging artists from a different territory each year. After Togo in 2023, the fourth edition of the Prize is dedicated to the flourishing artistic scene of Benin.
Intended to promote intercultural exchanges and artists’ mobility, the ellipse Prize lets the winner beneficiate from a production grant and an original exhibition in France during the fair AKAA – Also Known As Africa which wil be held from october 18 to 20 2024 in Paris. Furthermore, a 360 communication campaign and a professional accompaniment are allowed.
The ellipse Prize
Related to a theme specific to each edition (Contemporary Tradition for this 2024 edition), the ellipse Prize is an itinerant visual art competition dedicated to the artistic creation from a different country each year. This contest aims to disseminate the messages conveyed by artists from all horizons, and to encourage intercultural exchanges, making creativity a means of strengthening social bond. Otherwise, the ellipse Prize wishes to encourage emerging artists’ mobility and initiate professionnal opportunities beyond borders.
After Senegal, Ivory Coast and Togo, the ellipse Prize continues to follow the west coast of the African continent, earmarking its fourth edition to Benin. In 2024, the endowment fund wishes to highlight a new emerging artistic scene, by addressing the competition to artists resident in Benin, including all Beninese artists from the continent. With its dynamic cultural policy, Benin is committed to artistic creation, with four new museums in the pipeline and its first participation in the Venice Biennale in 2024.
Timetable 2024
The Jury
The ellipse Prize is accompanied by an independant jury composed by contemporary art professionnals, notably linked to the Beninese scene, to reward a winner and four finalists.
The Partners
In order to consolidate its commitment, ellipse art projects joins forces with partners in order to increase its capacity for action with the artistic scene featured each year.
The partners of the fourth edition are: