SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
11 Jan 2019 - 26 Jan 2019
Tabita Rezaire, Riding Infinity, 2018.
To conclude a year of exercises within WE WHO ARE NOT THE SAME – a year-long research and exhibition project challenging decolonial intersectional feminist practices and politics – Savvy Contemporary invites to the project’s finale consisting of an exhibition, a public programme of Incantations as well as a series of performances and readings.
I am a builder
sometimes I have built well, but often
I have built without researching the
Upon which I put my building
I raised a beautiful house
And I lived in it for a year
Then it slowly drifted away with the
For I had laid the foundation
Upon shifting sand
–Maya Angelou, Letter to My Daughter, 2008
The exhibition ECOLOGIES OF DARKNESS. BUILDING GROUNDS ON SHIFTING SANDS brings together the works of fifteen artists whose practices address the existential, ecological, historical and political “intimacies” that sustain the world we live in, bringing into relation spheres of interconnected existences that are in constant motion, while experimenting with poetic figurations of queer futures. The exhibition delves into the question of the possible conditions of the transmission of visibility and the forms of resistance that can emerge when we practice forms of dis-location and dis-identification in art, writing, and in our daily lives.
Together, they form an emergent ecology of practices that attempt to navigate the complex architectures of power while making rooms for and experimenting with the possibilities of transmission and resonances in darkness, by inventing new poetics, codes, languages, forms of communing and new technologies of healings.
We Who Are Not The Same – Read the full contept on
Opening 10.01.2019 19:00
With: Hera Chan & Xiaoshi Vivian Vivian Qin, Mandy El-Sayegh, Nilbar Güreş, Natasha Mendonca, Markues, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, Pallavi Paul, Luiza Prado de O. Martins, Tabita Rezaire, Bahia Shehab, Sheida Soleimani, Ana Vaz, Helen Zeru, Pamela Z
With: Hera Chan, Xiaoshi Vivian Vivian Qin, Alexis Chan & Nhu Duong, Dilar Dirik, Övül Durmuşoğlu, Jeannette Ehlers, Giovanna Esposito Yussif, Karina Griffith, Shuruq Harb, Juliana Huxtable, Olivier Marboeuf and Ana Vaz, Jota Mombaça, Valeria Montti Colque, Pallavi Paul, Luiza Prado, Sepideh Rahaa, Tara Transitory & Nguyễn Baly, Airi Triisberg, Mikey Woodbridge and Lucio Vidal.
Curators: Elena Agudio, Nathalie Mba Bikoro and Federica Bueti
In collaborations with: Kelly Krugman
Genealogy station Kamila Metwaly
Project coordination Jörg Peter Schulze and Lema Sikod
Communication Anna Jäger