Dak'Art, Dakar, Senegal
09 May 2014 - 08 Jun 2014
© Dak'Art 2014
Dak’Art is the major biennale of contemporary art in Africa. It provides a platform for art professionals and sets forth the artistic trends in Africa. It is a space of legitimation of African artistic creation, being a place of meetings and theoretical questionings about art and aesthetics in Africa. The 11th Dak’Art will take place from May 9 to June 8, 2014 in Dakar, Senegal.
The International Exhibition of African and African diaspora artists is the main event of the Biennale. The selection is entrusted to the curators of Dak’art 2014: Elise Atangana for selecting the diaspora, Abdelkader Damani for North Africa, and Smooth Ugochukwu Nzewi for sub-Saharan Africa.
The selection is the combined result of artists invited by the curators, and artists selected on the basis of portfolios provided by the artists from an open call. For the 2014 edition, the International Exhibition gathers 61 artists:
John Akomfrah, Rashid Ali & Andrew Cross, Sidney Amaral, Olu Amoda, Joël Andrianomearisoa, Kader Attia, Fayçal Baghriche, Radcliffe Bailey, Mahi Binebine, Meriem Bouderbala, Halida Boughriet, Bourouissa & Selmani, Candice Breitz, Nidhal Chamekh, Gopal Dagnogo, Jonathas de Andrade, Jean-Ulrick Désert, Sidy Diallo, Amary Sobel Diop, Victor Ekpuk, Andrew Esiebo, Ali Essafi, Ismaïla Fatty, Olivier Fokoua, Justine Gaga, Houda Ghorbel, Milumbe Haimbe, Sam Hopkins, Tam Joseph, Samson Kambalu, Kira Kemper, Edmon Khalil, Kiluanji Kia Henda, Marcia Kure, Mehdi-Georges Lahlou, Simone Leigh & Chitra Ganesh, Nomusa Makhubu, Ato Malinda, Julie Mehretu, Amina Menia, Naziha Mestaoui, Baudouin Mouanda, Jean Katambayi Mukendi, Wangechi Mutu, Assane Ndoye, Mimi Cherono Ng’ok, Chike Obeagu, Emeka Ogboh, Driss Ouadahi, Bouchra Ouizguen, Io Palmer, Éric Pina, Slimane Raïs, Jimmy Robert, Faten Rouissi, Massinissa Selmani, Wael Shawky, Mohamed Shoukry, Arlene Wandera, Ezra Wube, Kamel Yahiaoui.
A rich program to discover in 5 venues in Dakar and in numerous cities of Senegal: meetings on the theme of “Art profession”, International Exhibition of 61 African & Diaspora artists, exhibitions of guest artists, tribute exhibitions (Dimé, Diop, Diakhaté), African sculpture, Green Art in the Campus and 200 OFF exhibitions. Also, animations in the city with films on contemporary art, fashion shows and concerts!
8 May
Point de presse des commissaires.
Village de la Biennale (reservé aux participants accredités et inscrits), Dakar
09 May
Ouverture officielle au Grand Théâtre/Official opening at the Grand théâtre
Vernissage de l’exposition officielle/Official openin exhibition
Village de la Biennale, Route de Rufisque
Cocktail de bienvenue /Welcome cocktail
Village de la Biennale
Performances d’artistes (Olivier Fokoua, Ato Malinda, Bouchra Ouizguen)/Artists performances
Village de la Biennale
10 May
Conference inaugurale/Inaugural conference
Village de la Biennale
Table Ronde 1:Le commissariat d’art contemporain /Round table1: The commission for contemporary art
Village de la Biennale
Table ronde2: L’historien d’art, le critique d’art/Round table2:The historian of art , the critic of art
Village de la Biennale
Vernissage de l’exposition d’artistes invités: Opening exhibition for the invited artists
Jardin du Musée Théodore Monod de l’IFAN, Dakar
Vernissage du salon sur la sculpture africaine :Opening exhibition
Jardin du Musée Théodore Monod, Dakar
11 May
Table ronde 3: Le courtier, L’agent, le consultant /Round table 3: The broker, The agent, the consultant
Village de la Biennale
Table ronde 4: L’artiste et le galeriste/Round table 4: The artist and the gallery owner
Village de la Biennale
Vernissage de l’exposition Hommage a Moustapha Dimé: Opening for the Hommage to Moustapha Dimé exhibition
Galerie Nationale
12 May
Table ronde 5 : Les institutions d’art contemporain : Les foires, les maisons de vente, les biennalles/Round 5: Contemporary art institutions: Fairs, sales firms, biennial
Village de a Biennale
Table ronde 6 : Les marchands d’art, les acheteurs, les collectionneurs, les mécènes/Round table 6: Art sellers, art customers, Art collectors, patron of the arts
Village de a Biennale
Vernissage de l’exposition Hommage à Mbaye Diop/Opening for the Hommage to Mbaye Diop exhibition
Place du souvenir
Vernissage de l’exposition Hommage à Mamadou Diakhaté/Opening for the Hommage to Mamadou Diakhaté exhibition
Place du souvenir
13 May
Table ronde 7 : Les revues et magazines d’art contemporain/ Round table 7:Contemporary art magazines&reviews
Village de la Biennale
Conférence : Art et environnement/ Conference: Art & environment
Village de la Biennale
Vernissage de l’exposition Dak’Art au Campus/Opening ehxibition for Dak’art au campus
UCAD université Cheikh Anta Diop
Animations au Campus : défilé de mode, concert/ Animations at the campus : Fashion show, concert
UCAD université Cheikh Anta Diop
14 May
Découverte des expositions OFF/Discovering OFF exhibitions in Saint Louis
Musée du Centre de Recherche et de Documentation du Sénégal (CRDS), à la Pointe Sud de L’île, Saint-Louis
Phone: +221 33 961 10 50.
Village de la Biennale et Exposition Internationale : 2.5 km route de Rufisque (proche de l’IPRES).
Musée Théodore Monod de l’IFAN : Artistes invités.
Jardins du Musée Théodore Monod de l’IFAN : Sculpture africaine.
Place du Souvenir : Hommages à Mbaye Diop et Mamadou Diakhaté. La Place du Souvenir accueillera également le pavillon du Maroc et le pavillon de l’Algérie.
Galerie Nationale : Hommage à Moustapha Dimé.
Campus de l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) : Art Vert et animations.