Dak’art 2014: OFF – St. Louis

Dak'Art 2014, Dakar, Senegal
09 May 2014 - 08 Jun 2014

Dak’art 2014: OFF – St. Louis

OFF in St. Louis celebrates its third edition in 2014. St. Louis’s OFF exhibitions are called “The River in Colours” (Le Fleuve en Couleur) to honor the Senegal River. It is organized by the Association for the Promotion of Visual Arts of Africa (PAVA).

The historic island of Saint-Louis, classified by UNESCO as heritage of humanity, features thirty exhibitions. Some venues outside the island also present events. Since St. Louis became a partner of Dak’Art, renowned artists are now exhibiting in this beautiful city, a source of inspiration. Managers of art galleries, classified administrative buildings, hotels, guest houses, private houses are enlisting to receive exhibitions of recognized or emerging talent artists.

St. Louis has now become a “must” in the field of contemporary art exhibition and in 2014, foreign galleries and curators (Great Britain, France, Spain, Belgium) anew booked spaces to present their artists. Some private organizations have also planed Senegalese and foreign artists residencies, works results will be exhibited during the biennale.

Furthermore this year, an exhibition of Beninese artists will take place on the island and will be organized by the International Delegation of Wallonie Bruxelles from Belgium in a venue belonging to the Comptoir du Fleuve. Other major exhibitions are also being developed, to discover in May 2014. Visits of exhibitions will lead you to discover the heritage of St. Louis. The organizers of the Dak’Art OFF in St. Louis will be pleased to welcome you by offering a program booklet of the exhibition during your visit.

Tribute exhibition « Iba Ndiaye. The man and his work »

Iba Ndiaye (1928-2008) presents the donation made by the heirs of the artist to the State of Senegal. It consists of 145 works. A selection of paintings revisits the history and celebrates the work of the painter through various themes: Tabaski, Jazz, Portraits, Landscapes and Still Life. By placing the artist in his time, these works reveal as in a filigree different aspects of his personality: artist, teacher, art critic, intellectual or adventurer.

From 14/05 to 08/06 2014.

Venue :
Musée du Centre de Recherche et de Documentation du Sénégal (CRDS),
at South end of the island of Saint-Louis.
Ph; : +221 33 961 10 50

Download Dak’Art OFF Guide St. Louis here:



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