
Curatorial residency in London

Te Tuhi, London, United Kingdom
Deadline: 30 January 2023

2022 curator-in-residence Yina Jiménez Suriel (Dominican Republic) working in the Delfina Foundation library. Image courtesy of Delfina Foundation.

2022 curator-in-residence Yina Jiménez Suriel (Dominican Republic) working in the Delfina Foundation library. Image courtesy of Delfina Foundation.

The curatorial residency with Delfina Foundation and Metroland Cultures is a twelve-week residency in London for emerging/ mid-career New Zealand curators, taking place from 3 April to 23 June 2023. The residency is fully funded including travel costs, accommodation and a daily stipend.

About the residency
The residency will offer opportunities to gain training, skills and experience, while embedded in the curatorial workings of Metroland Cultures for 3 days/week. Metroland Cultures’ programme sits at the intersection of art and community, testing and pioneering new approaches that centre partnerships, strategies and approaches for community and artist collaboration. The residency will provide unique professional development opportunities related to exhibition organization, project management, artist liaison support, research and public programming.

For the balance of the week, the successful applicant will pursue their own research through a bespoke programme delivered by Delfina Foundation as part of their open Spring 2023 residency season. This programme will include guided visits to museums, galleries, non-profits, artist-run spaces and studios, as well as trips to institutions outside London; opportunities to meet and engage with artists, curators, academics and researchers through organised presentations, studio visits, events and meals; and professional development activities including: presentations and crits, portfolio reviews, and mentoring activities. Situated within Delfina Foundation, the resident will also benefit from career growth, mentorship as well as peer-to-peer exchange with other practitioners in residence.

Click here for more information 

To apply: download, complete and submit the application form, following the instructions in the guidance notes document. Please find the form here.

Application deadline: Monday, 30 January 2023 at 17:00 (New Zealand time)


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