HKW, Berlin, Germany
03 Mar 2016 - 05 Mar 2016
Refugee-Hackathon, © Lionel-Kreglinger/Berlin 2015
Self-organization has been essential for thousands of refugees arriving in Germany. In the last years, refugee´s organizations have been struggling for their right to stay, to move and to live in dignity.
Volunteers and supporters have been engaging to improve the newcomers´ living conditions. Together, refugees, volunteers and supporters build the new civil society of our times.
Digital tools are essential to keep self-organization going. What needs to be done today? What are the challenges to be solved? “Civil Society 4.0. – Refugees and Self-Organization” brings together refugees, volunteers, activists, digital developers, theorists and artists to develop strategies and critically reflect on the current situation.
The aim is to discuss problems and identify solutions, to analyze and visualize what’s missing. Working Groups with experts from different fields develop instruments for action. Learning Workshops transmit know-how of digital technologies and empowerment. The Refugee Hackathon will be carried on.
Refugees, volunteers, activists, and supporters from different backgrounds will come together for two and a half days at Haus der Kulturen der Welt to discuss, network and share their knowledge about digital self-organization.
To contribute to the congress, you don’t have to be a professional speaker or scientist // we are all experts of our own lives and experiences.
This congress is open to everyone!
“Civil Society 4.0 – Refugees and Digital Self Organization” takes place as part of 100 Years of Now.
In cooperation with, Chaos Computer Club Berlin e.V., Refugee Hackathon, Maptime Berlin, metroZones, Migration Hub, Refugee Emancipation e.V.,, We Are Born Free! Empowerment Radio
2016, Thu, Mar 03
Opening: With Vassilis Tsianos, Brigitta Kuster and Fatuma Musa
Keynotes by
Vassilis Tsianos, Brigitta Kuster: Digital Tools and Migration
Fatuma Musa: Refugees empowerment and self-organization
Vassilis Tsianos Lecturer in Sociology and Migration Studies, University of Hamburg, Specialist for Sociocybernetics, Social Theory, Qualitative Social Research
Brigitta Kuster Artist, Cultural Researcher and Author, Interested in migration, transnational space, the representation of labor, gender and sexual identity
Fatuma Musa Motivational speaker for refugees in Germany
2016, Fri, Mar 04 and 2016, Sat, Mar 05
Refugee Hackathon: What digital tools are needed for self-organization?
Programmers, designers and people with knowledge about specific requirements work together.
Hosted by Anke and Daniel Domscheit-Berg
2016, Fri, Mar 04
Legal Status, Health, Arrival: Working groups and final presentations
Refugees, volunteers, activists, digital developers, theorists and artists gather to discuss tools and strategies for refugee’s self-organization.
2016, Fri, Mar 04
Digital self organisation tools – women’s perspectives
Learning Workshop: Hands on: Improve your skills, define practical strategies with experts and activists. Learning Workshops transmit know-how of digital technologies and empowerment.
With FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin e.V. (FCZB)
2016, Fri, Mar 04
Labor, Housing, Education: Working groups and final presentations
Refugees, volunteers, activists, digital developers, theorists and artists gather to discuss tools and strategies for refugee’s self-organization.
Three parallel workshops are working on the following themes: Labor, Housing / Living conditions, Education
2016, Fri, Mar 04
CryptoParty: How to make your communication safer?
Learning Workshop: Hands on: Improve your skills, define practical strategies with experts and activists. Learning Workshops transmit know-how of digital technologies and empowerment.
With Hadi Al-Khatib (Information security trainer) and others
2016, Fri, Mar 04
Concert: Habet Ogbamichael (tbc)
2016, Sat, Mar 05
We are born free! Empowerment Workshop
Learning Workshop: Hands on: Improve your skills, define practical strategies with experts and activists. Learning Workshops transmit know-how of digital technologies and empowerment.
With Bino Byansi Byakuleka
2016, Fri, Mar 04 and 2016, Sat, Mar 05
Refugee Hackathon: What digital tools are needed for self-organization?
Programmers, designers and people with knowledge about specific requirements work together.
Hosted by Anke and Daniel Domscheit-Berg
2016, Sat, Mar 05
Project Corner: Presentations of initiatives and digital tools
Presentations of initiatives and digital tools dealing with first aid for refugees, arrival situation, Volunteer’s Work and Databases
2016, Sat, Mar 05
Language and Communication, Social Life, Internet-access: Working groups and final presentations
Refugees, volunteers, activists, digital developers, theorists and artists gather to discuss tools and strategies for refugee’s self-organization.
Three parallel workshops are working on the following themes:
Language / Communication, Social Life, Internet Access
2016, Sat, Mar 05
Internet access in refugee’s homes
Learning Workshop: Hands on: Improve your skills, define practical strategies with experts and activists. Learning Workshops transmit know-how of digital technologies and empowerment.
With Refugee emancipation
2016, Sat, Mar 05
Kid’s Hackers Club
2016, Sat, Mar 05
Project Corner: Presentations of initiatives and digital tools
Presentations of initiatives and digital tools dealing with forms of narration, creativity, mapping, media, community
2016, Sat, Mar 05
Working groups: mapping, visibility and narratives, urban and digital space
Refugees, volunteers, activists, digital developers, theorists and artists gather to discuss tools and strategies for refugee’s self-organization.
Three parallel workshops are working on the following themes:
Mapping, Narration / Visibility, Urban and Digital Space
2016, Sat, Mar 05
Final Dicussion
Closing discussion with Daniel Domscheit-Berg, Bino Byansi Byakuleka, Refugee Emancipation, Diana McCarty and representatives of the working groups. Moderation: Silvia Fehrmann