
Carrie Mae Weems: Safety Curtain

Privat Bank, Vienna, Austria
07 Sep 2020 - 07 Mar 2021

Carrie Mae Weems: Safety Curtain

Safety Curtain is an exhibition series conceived by museum in progress in cooperation with the Vienna State Opera, which transforms the safety curtain into a temporary exhibition space for contemporary art. For the 23rd “Safety Curtain”, the jury (Daniel Birnbaum, Bice Curiger and Hans-Ulrich Obrist) selected the internationally renowned artist Carrie Mae Weems.

A limited and signed benefit edition by Carrie Mae Weems will be published by museum in progress. By purchasing this print you’ll be making an important contribution to the continuation of this exhibition series. Further information and nonbinding subscription (25% discount until 7 September) under: office@mip.at.

In the display windows of PRIVAT BANK of the Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreichin Vienna, Operngasse 2, a supplementary exhibition will be presented showing works by Carrie Mae Weems.

The exhibition series “Safety Curtain” is a project of museum in progress in cooperation with the Vienna State Opera and the Bundestheater-Holding. In 2020 the project was kindly made possible by the Christian Zeller Privatstiftung.


Operngasse 2




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