Call for applications

Call for the Core Fellowship Program Fall 2016 / Winter 2017

Camargo Foundation, Cassis
Deadline: 08 December 2015

Call for the Core Fellowship Program Fall 2016 / Winter 2017

The Camargo Foundation, located in Cassis, France and founded by artist and philanthropist Jerome Hill, is a residential center offering programming in the humanities and the arts. It offers time and space in a contemplative environment to think, create, and connect. The Foundation encourages the visionary work of scholars, artists, and leading thinkers in the arts and humanities.

Established more than 40 years ago, the Camargo Foundation welcomes artists, scholars, and leading thinkers from all countries, nationalities, and career levels to work on specific projects or areas of inquiry.

Located in a small town of the South of France, facing the Mediterranean Sea, the Foundation offers an exceptional environment to think and create. The quiet campus and the surrounding landscape, Cap Canaille, and the Calanques national park enhance the residency experience. At the same time, Camargo is only a 45-minute drive from Marseille, and near Aix-en-Provence and Arles, which are major centers for arts, culture, and research.

The core Fellowship program offers six, eight, and eleven week residential fellowships to Artists, Scholars, and Leading Thinkers:

– Scholars and thinkers in arts and humanities should be working in French and Francophone cultures, including cross-cultural studies that engage the cultures and influences of the Mediterranean region. Thinkers include professionals such as curators, artistic and executive directors of cultural organizations, cultural critics, and academic deans

– Artists, in all disciplines, who are the primary creators of new work

The residency time is dedicated primarily to each Fellow’s work on site. Regular project discussions are organized in which each Fellow’s work is presented and discussed. Applicants must be fluent in English. Fellows may work individually or with a collaborator.

Fellows are housed in private apartments with kitchens on the Foundation’s campus, all with views of the Mediterranean and the Port of Cassis. A stipend of $800 US per month is available, as is coverage of basic travel expenses for the Fellow to and from Cassis. Spouses, partners, and children age six and older are welcome. Children must be enrolled in and attending school or off-campus activities.

This call is for two residency periods: one in Fall 2016 (2-month period from September 13 to November 8, 2016) and one in Winter/Spring 2017 (applicants may choose six, eight or eleven weeks beginning February 21, 2017).

Please read the application guidelines before applying, click here to download them in PDF format

Then to go to the online application form, please click here.


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