
Call For Submissions: Digital Marrakech Festival 2014

Digital Marrakech Festival , Marrakech, Morocco
25 Sep 2014

Call For Submissions: Digital Marrakech Festival 2014

Digital Marrakech Festival is launching a call for works submission to its 4th edition, which will take place in Marrakech, 26-27-28 November 2014. Organized by the Arab Media Lab project, the festival continues its mission in strengthening media arts platforms in Morocco and The Arab world, from experimental films, to films d´auteurs, creative documentary, video art, digital art and digital cinema, video installations…

Organizations, curators and art and cinema associations are encouraged to send us their proposals and suggest works and debates.

The main theme of this year is: RE-MAPPING of the Media Art happenings and digital art practices in the Arab world, and The role of the digital technologies in an ever-changing and dynamic Arab World creativity



•The submission of the application form designates the acceptance of the terms and conditions of participation in the Festival, and a declaration that the applicant holds all rights to the submitted material or has the permission of the legal owner of the rights to the submitted material (pictures, sounds, texts).

•All works should have English subtitels

•Individuals, groups, curators or Cinema associations are invited to participate.

•The Author can submit more than one work

•The festival is screening all genres, from films, creative documentaries, experimental films, video art, digital art and cinema, video installations…

•All films,videos, and other genres should be produced after 2012.

•Commercial films are not accepted

•The festival does neither offers screening fees, nor does it request any entry charges from applicants.

•A committee appointed by the festival will make the selection.

•All works submitted will be included in the festival’s video archive

•All applicants will be notified of the status of their applications via email by 15 october 2014.



Please fill the online application on the website

Video files and stills should be send through for small format file https://www.wetransfer.com/ or other sending formats.

For large file MINBOX or FILEMAIL or directley to the file map GOFILEDROP





DIGITAL MARRAKECH, an international media arts and digital festival, which aims to present diverse trends and practices in the fields of digital film & video, multimedia performances, Video installations, digital mapping, net art, workshops and other interdisciplinary forms. The festival program consists of live video performances, film screenings, workshops, lectures, and exhibition. In the festival framework artists from all over the world present latest practices, research and technologies and showcase important achievements in the development of media arts practices.




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