
Call for papers for the XLVII AICA International Congress in South Korea 2014

AICA International Association of Art Critics, South Korea
08 Oct 2014 - 16 Oct 2014

The Congress is organized by the South Korea section of AICA (International Association of Art Critics) and will be held on 8-16 October in Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, the location of Hwaseong Fortress, a Unesco World Heritage site of the South Korea.

The XLVII AICA International Congress will be preceded by an optional Pre-Congress culture tour to Hwaseong Fortress and Hwaseong festival in Suwon (8 October) and museum tour in Seoul (9 October), and followed by Post Congress tours to Gwangju Biennale and Busan Biennale (15,16 Oct).

The Congress Theme Art Criticism in a Labyrinth addresses the role of art criticism in a global environment. What methodologies do we need to develop, to deal with the diversities of expression and the complexities of the contemporary art world? The Theme has three sub-themes:
– Art and art criticism in a divided society
– Critical writing in the era of social networking
– Discourse on contemporary Asian art.
detailed description of the Congress theme is given at: www.aicakorea.org

The conference will be held mainly in English, though papers may be given in any of AICA’s three languages (English, French, Spanish). Keynote speakers, covering broad aspects of the main theme will be followed by short papers and working sessions with the participants.

The AICA Congress Commission invites members, as well as non members, of AICA to submit a short text of 15-20 lines (maximum one page) in English, outlining their proposed approach to the themes of the Congress.
ravel Grants may be available for selected speakers from developing countries, Central and Eastern Europe.

Deadline: 28 February 2014.
submit your application online at 2014aica@naver.com together with a short biography (max. 200 words)

proposals will be selected by the AICA Congress Commission 2014 : Chair, Marjorie Allthorpe-Guyton President, AICA UK; Marek Bartelik, International President, AICA; Iara Boubnova , President, AICA Bulgaria; Juraj Carny ,President AICA Slovakia; Niilofur Farrukh, President AICA Pakistan; Henry Meyric Hughes, Honorary President AICA; Brane Kovic , Secretary General, AICA; Patrick Schaefer, AICA Switzerland; Andrzej Szczerski, President AICA Poland; Jinsup Yoon, Vice President, AICA International; Ikyoung Yoon, President, AICA South Korea

Deadline for final papers will be 30 June 2014.

You will find all necessary information at www.aicakorea.org ; for any inquiries please do not hesitate to contact our colleague Hyeyoung Cho at 2014aica@naver.com.




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