
Call for applications: 2014 DAVID KOLOANE AWARD

Bag Factory, Johannesburg, South Africa
11 Jun 2014 - 17 Jun 2014

Call for applications: 2014 DAVID KOLOANE AWARD

Talented young artists are invited to apply for the 2014 David Koloane Award. The artists who are selected for the award will work alongside professional colleagues to create work on paper to be taken to the FNB Joburg Art Fair this year.

The David Koloane Award promotes the Bag Factory‘s philosophy of learning through creative exchange. In the form of Mentored Residencies the award aims to address many of the challenges three young South African artists (ages 18 to 30) face in the production of their work and the development of their careers.

Under the guidance of David Koloane and two mentors, the mentees will be part of a controlled programme allowing for their cross discipline learning. New works on paper will be produced during this 8 week period, some of which will be selected to be shown at the 2014 FNB Joburg Art Fair. The works selected will will represent a dialogue between the mentors and the mentees.

Who is eligible to apply?

The artist must be:
– a full-time practicing visual artists or artists who wish to become full time practicing visual artists
– between the age of 18 – 30 years
– available to participate in the programme at the Bag Factory from 30 June to 28 August

What do the successful applicants receive?
– shared studio space at the Bag Factory
– an opportunity to learn from great South African Artists
– a small per Diem
– a small contribution to transport
– an opportunity to exhibit and sell work at the FNB Joburb Art Fair 2014

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS is Tuesday 17 June at 5pm

Applicants must submit:

1. a representative portfolio of work produced in the past five years of at least 10 works and no more than 20, preferably by email. Images should not be larger than 300kb and each email no larger than 2MB;

2. a substantial curriculum vitae with full names, references, addresses and contact numbers; and

3. a brief letter of motivation, not more than one A4 page long, outlining reasons you should be selected for the programme

Please email your applications to info@bagfactoryart.org.za

OR you can deliver your application directly to:
Bag Factory Artists’ Studios
10 Mahlatini Street

Announcements will be made on 20 June 2014.

Please note that LATE OR INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS will NOT be accepted.




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