
Bianca Batlle Nguema: Speaking Bodies

Madlozi Art Gallery, Online, South Africa
20 May 2021 - 29 Aug 2021

By Bianca Batlle Nguema

By Bianca Batlle Nguema

What is the sound women’s bodies make when they speak of their secrets, truths and desires for freedom, fulfilment, respect and the expression of their spirit? As women in contemporary society our bodies are burdened with the stereotypes and definitions of a society largely designed by male bodies, for men.

On her canvases the Guinean/Spanish-born artist Bianca Batlle Nguema’s muses reign as supreme beings who move freely in body and in spirit, dancing their wisdom and embracing their dimensions, origins and inner life with real abandon.

SPEAKING BODIES is the talented artist’s new series of paintings created from her profound love of painting, for feminine divinity and form. This unique body of work features in her new solo exhibition for Madlozi Art Gallery on Artsy.net from 20th May – Aust 29th 2021.

SPEAKING BODIES the wisdom of free women is an intimate, real and lyrical conversation entrusted to the audience by the artist muses. Batlle Nguema’s paintings depict a woman’s body is like a vast and beautiful country, a universe of epression and being.

The artist powerfully challenges the hype and oppressive media stereotypes around how real women, with curves, should and do look, as her commitment to embracing female-identified bodies with love and acceptance to depict their easy sensuality truth – her characters are real and relatable, robust and distinct.

‘My work in this exciting new series is informed by time and an intimate observation
of the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional bodies of all of my subjects.
Some women do not feel any shame when it comes to posing naked, others feel totally self-conscious, ashamed, uncomfortable. I allow each the expression she needs
and feels safe or comfortable with expressing’.

Each woman is depicted with her inner feelings and expression depicted in a aura of color surround her in the portrait to symbolically and powerfully make each woman’s inner life the focal point that complements her phsyical form.
The language of bodies is the médium and reason for being of this exhbition, the ways in which women’s bodies hold and reléase their bodies and their secrets.


Visit the exhibition online on artsy.net