

Ballhaus Naunynstraße and Hackesche Höfe Kino, Berlin, Germany
19 May 2013 - 23 May 2013

DECOLONIZING THE ‘COLD’ WAR is an Afropean performance showcase and will be accompanied by roundtable discussions on the aesthetic legacy of the Black Power movement in the radical imagination of Diaspora artists. Parallel to this, its influence in liberation and decolonization struggles in the Global South during the so-called ‘Cold’ War will be approached from the continuities of coloniality.

During this festival, the story will be told from the perspective of the self-affirmation of Black Power. The emblematic figure of Angela Davis created a planetary movement of solidarity that went beyond the term ‘Black Internationalism’. These narratives of re-existence will be analyzed in relation to Frantz Fanon´s fundamental role in global South liberation struggles during that period. His interactions with Jean-Paul Sartre will be the focus of some of these unprecedented debates. The worldwide solidarities resulting from the Black Power movement united people beyond racialization and political agendas. BE.BOP 2013 celebrates a paradigm shift that transformed the Black Body into a source of inspiration and beauty prevalent until today.

Alanna Lockward – Curator / Walter Mignolo – Advisor

BE.BOP 2013: DECOLONIZING THE ‘COLD’ WAR is a project of Art Labour Archives and Ballhaus Naunynstraße in cooperation with AfricAvenir and Heinrich Böll Sitftung.

Artwell Cain (Netherlands+St. Vincent) + Vaginal Davis (Germany+USA) + Teresa María Díaz Nerio (Netherlands+Dominican Republic) + Gabriele Dietze (Germany) + Simmi Dullay (South Africa+Denmark) + Moritz Ege (Germany) + Jeannette Ehlers (Denmark+Trinidad) + Jihan El Tahri (Egypt+South Africa+France) + Cecilia Gärding (Sweden+South Africa) + Quinsy Gario (Netherlands+Curazao) + Adler Guerrier (USA+Haiti) + Neil Kenlock (England + Jamaica) + Grada Kilomba (São Tomé e Príncipe+Germany+Portugal) + Adetoun Küppers-Adebisi (Germany+Nigeria) + Raúl Moarquech Ferrera Balanquet (Cuba+Mexico+USA) + Karen McKinnon (England + USA) + Mekonnen Mesghena (Germany + Ethiopia) + Dannys Montes de Oca (Cuba) + Ingrid Mwangi Robert Hutter (Germany+Kenya) + Pascale Obolo (France+Cameroon) + Horace Ové (England+Trinidad) + Muna Shirwa (Netherlands+ Somalia) + Robbie Shilliam (England) + Ovidiu Tichindeleanu (Rumania) + Caecilia Tripp (France+Germany) + Rolando Vázquez (Netherlands+Mexico)


The roundtable sessions are free  and open to the public. Only pre-registered public will be allowed.


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