
Arts Collaboratory: Funding opportunities 2015

Arts Collaboratory
19 Mar 2015 - 31 Mar 2015

Arts Collaboratory:  Funding opportunities 2015

Photo by Cooperativa Cráter Invertido, Mexico City

Arts Collaboratory is inviting artists and arts organizations from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East to apply for support for either projects or multi-year programs, both focusing on research or development of new perspectives on specific social, cultural, economic and climate issues, or for the development of new forms of collaborations and co-productions.

There will be 2 calls for applications.

1st call deadline 31 March 2015
6 project contributions of maximum 15,000 EUR and 2 multi-year program contributions of maximum 60,000 EUR

2nd call deadline 1 June 2015
4 contributions to multiyear programs (maximum 60,000 EUR)


Type of support

Projects: a specific activity/event which is completed by the end of December 2015. The maximum support is 15,000 euros.

Multi-year program: a range of activities/ projects which aim to contribute to a structural change regarding the issue they address. The maximum support is 60,000 euros per year, for maximum 2 years


Please bear in mind that:

x Proposals from organizations based in Africa, Asia, or Latin-America are strongly preferred
x Proposals through ‘Western’ partners will not be ruled out, however close involvement from a local partner is essential
x Proposals that are Western-driven will not be accepted
x Proposals for the benefit of individuals will not be accepted


The same main criteria are valid for both type of support. Those are:

x Artistic quality of research and/or output of the project/program
x Social innovation or new perspectives which project/program develops
(Some examples, a new perspective on a specific social, cultural, economic, ecological or political issue. A new and creative approach to problems defined in the proposal. Radically rethinking a current approach. Developing new social or collaborative artistic practices. The establishment of new forms of co-creation between artists and other actors in society.)
x Approach and planning of the research/project/program in regards to the cooperation between artists with individuals/groups/organizations from other sectors/ communities
x Feasibility: relevance, probability of successful implementation, financial viability and sustainability of impact

Additional criteria for the multi-year projects

x Potential for a longer term impact on specific issue which the program addresses
x Connecting the program to a wider debate in their society
x Outreach to a diversity of stakeholders, i.e. artists, communities, government officials, activists, etc.
x Envisaged effect on a diversity of networks and communities in and outside the artistic scene
The deadline to apply for this open call is 31 March 2015, 17h CET.
Please download the application form HERE


Arts Collaboratory is a platform for transnational exchange and cooperation made up of over 20 arts organizations from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Arts Collaboratory was co-initiated in 2007 by DOEN and Hivos,  The mission of Arts Collaboratory is to promote collaborative, inventive, and open visual arts practices that are socially engaging and transformative.