Call for entries

Artistic Work for exhibition “Land Rights”

1927 Art Space, Athen, Greece
Deadline: 01 March 2022

Artistic Work for exhibition “Land Rights”

1927 Art Space invites submissions for its Fall 2022- Winter 2023 programming, on the theme of  Land Rights:

Who has rights to the land? Does the land have rights? Who has access to natural resources and the “commons” and who grants it? How has modernity shaped our relation to nature and how has this relationship in turn shaped our culture, our social relationships and our daily lives?

They invite artists of all fields (dance, performance, visual arts, video, theatre, playwriting etc) , culture professionals, architects and urban designers, documentarists, activists and researchers, to submit their work. Interested applicants may submit for a presentation/lecture/workshop/performance/exhibition or a residency, a finished project or an in-progress work. Themes may include but are not limited to:

-Public space and the commons
-Urban space, architecture, imaginary spaces/ cities
-Indigenous communities, histories, cultures and struggles to defend the land
-Food and energy politics
-Colonial and neocolonial land politics and histories
-Decolonization: reclaiming the land and resources, redefining the relationship between humans and the environment.
-Climate catastrophe
-Climate refugees

Deadline: March 1st.


Application form and additional info here.


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