
Artist Residency as part of TATE EXCHANGE

Beaconsfield Gallery Vauxhall (BGV), Gasworks and Pump House Gallery, London, United Kingdom
Deadline: 05 September 2016

Artist Residency as part of TATE EXCHANGE

Together with the following partners; Beaconsfield Gallery Vauxhall (BGV), Gasworks and Pump House Gallery, the Nine Elms has initiated a new consortia to deliver a project for Tate Exchange. Nine Elms is looking for an artist or arts collective who must be interested in socially engaged practice and committed to working with young people at all three galleries.

The artist residency project will be the first in a three year partnership programme for Tate Exchange at Tate Modern. The residency runs over six months from September 2016 – March 2017, with the artist expected to produce a maximum of two project outcomes in each of the three galleries and one final shared publically accessible outcome at Tate Exchange, Tate Modern on 10thMarch 2017.

Nine Elms is seeking proposals that can respond to the histories of the partners and the story of our geographical area (Battersea, Nine Elms and Vauxhall), as it undergoes a major transformation – creating new audiences and proactively engaging with the current audiences of these spaces Proposals are welcomed in any medium: they can be focussed online or offline, they could be performance based or object based. The artist led participation group is to be formed by the artist supported by the combined contacts and networks of the partnership. The brief is intentionally open in order to be artist led. The artist’s fee for the project will be £6000 inclusive of all expenses, plus a small production budget of up to £5000 which will be agreed by the Consortia.

Artists are to submit by email a one page proposal outlining their project; this should include a rough budget, project aims and general themes.

This should be submitted to Anne Mullins Curator Arts and Culture, Nine Elms Vauxhall Partnership on behalf of the Consortia at the following address: by 10am 5th September2016.

A maximum of three shortlisted artists will then be invited to develop their proposal more fully for the interview stage. Interviews will take place on 20th September at Gasworks. A small honorarium of £500 will be paid to the maximum of three shortlisted artists selected by the Shortlisting Panel to cover their studio and R&D costs. All shortlisted artists will have access to the three galleries involved in the Nine Elms Vauxhall Tate Exchange programme and the Tate Exchange floor at Tate Modern.

For more information and complete artists brief see:


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