Call for applications

Ant funding for Southern African Artists 2016

Pro Helvetia , Johannesburg, South Africa
Deadline: 13 November 2015

Ant funding for Southern African Artists 2016

Pro Helvetia Johannesburg has for some time been investing in transnational collaborations, exchanges and joint projects among organisations and creative practitioners operating across the SADC region, with support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

The investments are focused on projects, networks and platforms that have a shared interest in building a stronger regional creative fabric.

Ant funding addresses two different types of initiative through micro-grants:

Ant Project Funding for transnational initiatives involving collaboration, exchange and mobility of artists and work (up to ZAR 60 000/US$ 5000). Visit this page to apply

Ant Research Residencies enabling research, networking and project development (up to ZAR 47 000/US$ 4000). See below to apply

ANT research residencies/project development grants:

Research residencies are available to artists, curators, and arts managers to undertake research trips of between 1 and 4 weeks duration within the SADC region. The purpose of the funding is to provide an opportunity for creative producers and organisers to develop collaborative projects and initiatives with peers operating in the region and enjoy the benefits of face to face engagement and a substantive experience of a different context/environment for creative work.

The same broad guidelines and exclusions for Ant project funding apply to research residency grants, and the geographical scope is the same (Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Seychelles, Tanzania (including Zanzibar), Zambia, and Zimbabwe).

Applications should include

•a motivation for the residency, explaining the rationale for spending time in a particular context, the networks you would be engaging with, and an indication of the project possibilities that might arise from the residency. The motivation should also include reference to any history of engagement with the context that you would be visiting.

•a summary budget addressing your travel, visa, accommodation and per diem costs for the residency. Up to ZAR 47 000/US$ 4000 will be made available for each residency. Your budget should also include reference to any other financial contributions to the residency and/or in-kind contributions that a local partner or partners might make (for example, the provision of accommodation) in support of your residency, though this is not mandatory.

•a short professional biography (approximately 250 words is adequate) and a short relevant CV.

•(all projects should be completed by end December 2016)

How to apply

•The application need not be more than two pages in length, including the summary budget, but excluding the biography and CV.

•Applications must be emailed to Pro Helvetia Johannesburg at regional(at)

•Your emailed application should include the words “ANT research residency / project development grant application” in the subject line.

•Submission deadline: Friday 13 November 2015.

•Outcome announced: Monday 30 November 2015.


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