
AFROBERLIN: Past, Present and Future of African Literatures in & from Berlin

Literarisches Colloquium, Berlin, Germany
24 May 2018

AFROBERLIN: Past, Present and Future of African Literatures in & from Berlin

The Literary Colloquium Berlin, Literaturport, Berliner Literarische Aktion eV and Afrolivresque invite numerous guest authors, scientists and literary activists on 24 May to intensively explore, discuss and present the history and present of the African literary scene in Berlin for the first time in a larger overview.

In three thematic panels and a final reading numerous protagonists and connoisseurs will have their say as well as some remarkable authors and texts. AFROBERLIN will provide a lively meeting and exchange point between the African literary scene and the Berlin audience.

For the full Program and more information visit

24 May, 10:00 am at Literarisches Colloquium Berlin (Am Sandwerder 5, 14109 Berlin)

Multilingual program with translations into German.
Registration is requested:
No participation fee, breaks with fee-based snacks offers.

Entrance to the evening reading: 8/5 €.

PARATAXE is a project of the Berliner Literarische Aktion e.V. and is supported by the Berlin senate administration for culture and Europe. The Parataxe symposiums take place in cooperation with the LCB and Literaturport.



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