
African_diasporic perspectives on trade structures and economic models

Aquarium/Südblock, Berlin, Germany
19 Jan 2018 - 20 Jan 2018

African_diasporic perspectives on trade structures and economic models

“The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line.”

W.E.B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk


AfricAvenir starts the year 2018 on 19th and 20th January with an exciting conference under the title: “A future beyond the global color line? African_diasporic perspectives on global inequalities” and invite you to exchange ideas with our speakers on two days.

Is the “color line” of the 20th century overcome? The EU’s imperialist interventions and systematic neo-colonial exploitations bring this statement by W.E.B. Du Bois back to the discourse – In-visions of African-diasporic activists to examine strategies in challenging the global color line.

The conference on January 19th and 20th, 2018 is the second conference to be held as part of AfricAvenirs’s current project ReImagining The Future: African-Diasporic Perspectives in the Context of Global Inequalities. The core purpose of the project is to capture, analyze and visualize the different African_diasporic perspectives on the future.

On the 20th of January 2018 AfricAvenir intends to broaden the framework for dealing with African_diasporic visions about the future of global trade relations and economic structures. Together with the speakers and audience, they want to discuss how a future can viewed beyond existing global inequalities. How do trade relations have to be structured in the future in order to break the chains of neo-colonial economic relationship between Africa and Europe? Which local and regional economic models in African countries and the diaspora can contribute to the decolonization of today’s trade structures?

The program will include panel discussions, lectures, readings, shortfilms, an exhibition and many other activities.


Moderated by: ShaNon Bobinger


Day 1: Eric Otieno, Pascale Obolo, Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro, Dr. Vivian Timothy, Simone Dede Ayivi, Peggy Piesche, Emo Rugene

Day 2: Dr. Boniface Mabanza, Clotilde Yapi Ohouochi, Elisabeth Kaneza, Pascale Obolo, Eric Otieno

Translation by: Marianne Ballé Moudounbou

Entrance is free. Lunch for donation. Registration at
English and German with simultaneous translation


In cooperation with der Kaneza Foundation for Dialogue & Empowerment e.V. and Arts Vagabonds


Supported by ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL with finanial support of the Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung.

And with support of Brot für die Welt und der Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.


Skalitzer Str. 6
10999 Berlin



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