Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
07 Jun 2018 - 12 Jun 2018
Ayrson Heraclito, Die Verwandlung des Fleisches, 2015, Performance, Sao Paulo. Photo Christian Cravo
For an entire week, the Weltkulturen Museum is spotlighting urban Brazil today, a society where everything is closely interwoven – art, spirituality, daily life, science and politics.
Through artistic performances, visitors can empathise with the suffering of enslavement and are cleansed of negative energies. The themed evening discusses the image of women and opposition in everyday life. A Candomblé priest establishes contact to the gods through an oracle, and artists, curators and priest offer special insights into the current exhibition “Entre Terra e Mar”.
Thursday, 7th June, 7pm
“Sacudimento” and “Buruburu”
With Ayrson Heráclito (artist, Salvador da Bahia)
Friday, 8th June, 6pm
“O Jogo de Búzios – The Oracle in Candomblé”
With Doté Amilton Costa (Candomblé priest and head of the Vodun Zo Candomblé house, Salvador da Bahia)
Saturday, 9th June, 7.30pm
“Transmutação da Carne – Transmutation of the Meat”
With Ayrson Heráclito (artist, Salvador da Bahia)
Sunday, 10th June, 6pm
“Black Venus and White Mary. Black and White Women in Cult and Society in Brazil”
With Dr. Jane de Hohenstein (ethnologist, Salvador da Bahia)
Find the full programme here
Festival ticket: €15
The festival pass is valid for all events and the exhibition. The pass also includes a drink on Thursday and a Candomblé wristband on Saturday.
Individual visits are also possible.