Modern Art Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
16 Jun 2018 - 09 Sep 2018
Wura-Natasha Ogunji, A luminous cloud, a night swim, the desert, always there for you, 2017. Courtesy the artist.
Modern Art Oxford and Drawing Room jointly present A Slice through the World: Contemporary Artists’ Drawings, a group exhibition that celebrates the sustained power of drawing in the digital age.
The exhibition at Modern Art Oxford brings together a dynamic selection of recent works by 14 international artists who are committed to the materiality of paper and pencil, showcasing a remarkable attention to detail and skill. In an age of mass media, where the rapid proliferation of images leaves many on the verge of digital exhaustion, A Slice through the World explores the power of traditional drawing to make us slow down and reconsider how we look at the world.
By looking at this ancient communication technology as it meets the newest forms of digitised image culture, this exhibition will signal the resilience of drawing as a means of responding to contemporary questions of dialogue and representation, reinforcing its status as an inherently interdisciplinary medium that remains central to artistic practices across the world.
A Slice through the World is a collaboration with Drawing Room, London. The featured artists across the two-venue group exhibition are ruby onyinyechi amanze, Nidhal Chamekh, Milano Chow, Kate Davis, Karl Haendel, David Haines, Ian Kiaer, Ciprian Muresan, David Musgrave, Wura-Natasha Ogunji, Kathy Prendergast, Massinissa Selmani, Lucy Skaer and Barbara Walker.
Exhibition dates at Modern Art Oxford: 16 June – 9 September 2018
Exhibition dates at Drawing Room: 13 June – 5 August 2018